A Good GP32 Reseller for USA


Playful/Fascist Mod
Here's a crazy idea I had. Why doesn't someone in the USA resell GP32s near-cost through a "special order" system? If you get someone's order, then order it through Entware, GBAX, etc.

I'm not sure of the legality of all this, but US really needs a good GP32 shop. I learned this after now a couple of teenage friends of mine really wanted a GP32, but couldn't get one because their parents were so distrustful of non-American companies.

It wouldn't need to be a real company unless you want to start one up. Just a tiny operation for getting GP32s to US citizens without fuss. An extra added bonus should be reselling downloadable games (GPCinema, etc.) for purchasers without credit cards and those wary of PayPal or the "mileage" system. With enough customers, you could start buying in bulk and get people a discount on shipping.

I might even start something up like this myself, if no one more economically-minded wants to try it, and I can find a supplier.
I actually thought about doing this myself a few months ago but then realized that the profits would be very little compared to how much hassle it would create.

When you buy 1 GP32 the cost is $149 and you can avoid customs because the value is less than $200 (The FLU is $209) but I'm sure LikSang wouldnt have a problem stating its value as 199 to get around customs for you. If you want safe, fast and secure shipping you will no doubt have to go with UPS. But this will add $22 dollars to your initial price.

If you want to order more than 5 systems then you will get a nice discount, like 15% off BUT the probability of getting hit with a customs bill is quite high since your whole shipment will now be worth around $750 dollars.

Don't forget that once you receive the systems in the US, you will have to accept payment for them too and that will incur some fees (Money Order = FREE vs PayPal = 3%) after that you haven to send the systems to their individual buyers via a secure and insured shipper which can add around $8 dollars.

Plus what if one of the systems happens to be damaged or malfunction? Then buyers will return that to YOU and then YOU have to deal with LikSang.

As you can see, its quite a bit of hassle to go through for very little profits. Unless you manage to beat the custom fees somehow then you can make some cash for your troubles. But I don't think LikSang will be up to lying to customs for you, at least not for large shipments.