A Few Questions From A Newbie.

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Still Fresh
Mar 24, 2009
Hi there,

I'm very new to this sort of thing, so please please please excuse my noob questions.

OK so first things first, I'm definitely not familiar with all this emulator and 'linux' stuff, I dont really know what 'linux' is, do you have to be a complete tech whizz to be able to put emulators and stuff on your pandora?

Also will these things ever be released to purchase in mainstream stores eg. Amazon?

Does this have wifi browser, if so how quick will it be, on par with ipod touch/archos 605?

I've read into this a little bit, and think this looks like a sweet little device to have. Personally I think it would be really cool to have all of these emulators on a single device, but I'm not so sure I should get one if I'll have no clue how to get the emulators and programmes onto it?

Please don't be harsh to me I'm a complete noob in this sort of stuff.

Any help much appreciated and sorry for my spelling and punctuation, was a very rushed post.
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Linux is far removed from it's days of being "hard to understand", it has a modern interface that is very similar to Windows, I don't think you'll have that much of an issue really. There are kids using Linux, so it can't be that hard to use.
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There is nothing special about Linux. It's just another OS with a different front end, not really any stranger than the PS3 system or the XBox system.
Linux has the advantage of a lot of tweaks and customizations that you can do IF YOU WANT but you certainly don't have to learn anything other than point-and-click to enjoy it, same as you do with Windows.
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First, it's all going to be very easy to use (no computer magic here), not in mainstream stores, faster browser than iTouch (I'm pretty sure), and the emulators/programs/other shit will easily be available to download. We just about done here?
Edit: They beat me to it.
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I'll answer the few questions I can.

'Jordski11' said:
OK so first things first, I'm definitely not familiar with all this emulator and 'linux' stuff, I dont really know what 'linux' is, do you have to be a complete tech whizz to be able to put emulators and stuff on your pandora?
In short, no. They're packaging programs in such a way that you can just download them to the Pandora and double-click an icon. No messy installation, no futzing about on the command line, none of it. That said, it's an open enough platform that you can dig as deep into the nuts and bolts as you're comfortable with. You just won't be forced to do so just to get each program running.

'Jordski11' said:
Does this have wifi browser, if so how quick will it be, on par with ipod touch/archos 605?
Does firefox count? :P The browser speed will be largely dependent on how fast your network connection is. Yes, it has wifi (check the information pages and specs on the wiki and at openpandora.org).

'Jordski11' said:
I've read into this a little bit, and think this looks like a sweet little device to have. Personally I think it would be really cool to have all of these emulators on a single device, but I'm not so sure I should get one if I'll have no clue how to get the emulators and programmes onto it?
Again, this shouldn't be a problem. The PXML spec that's been developed specifically for Pandora should make it very, very easy for even a novice to load and run programs. Download the program's file archive (.zip, .tar, .iso, whatever), put it on Pandora, and voila! -- it runs.

PS -- Butterman, you might want to lay off the linux. I hear it causes a decrease in libido.
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I'm going to have to say, "Use google for stuff like this!".Linux is a OS(operating system) and yes, the pandora has a "wifie browser" actually it has the real firefox just like your pc does so, its probally much faster than the iphone.No emulators will be easy to install.They will be pre-packaged and ready for you.Games and apps will also be easy and noob friendly to install so there is nothing to worry about.
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