Do I Need Linux Knowledge?

Podcasts would be nice I agree

I like the fact you don't have to learn up on linux to use the pandora, and installs with PND are as easy as running an EXE in windows, but I'm looking to actively get into some basic Linux command learning when I get mine, and plan to get more frequent commands learnt and use as standard, to save time as demonstraited above, things like copying, moving files

Someguy where's these guides at?
I'm guessing somewhere behind this thing...
# ls /home/someguy99/guides/latest
...whatever that is...

I clicked it... Nothing
I looked at it and said open seseme... Still nothing
SomeGuy's signature is written in the style of a Linux command line. ;) In this case, he's used the ls ("list") command to show a fictional directory containing his guides. The titles he gave his guides are the clickables - they're very good. I've applied some of them to my own Pandora.
Cheers for that ... Proof that I probably should take a look at them, might had recognised it was a command line then eh ;)
Prometheus said:
SomeGuy's signature is written in the style of a Linux command line. ;) In this case, he's used the ls ("list") command to show a fictional directory containing his guides. The titles he gave his guides are the clickables - they're very good. I've applied some of them to my own Pandora.

Yeah, I guess that's confusing. It's so weird reading you explain some random 10 second thought in my head. :D
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^ Yeah, I had another Urkel ready, but I got ninja'd, so I dropped it :P
Awesome work, Someguy :)
Ian_J said:
Thats fine, as I say I'm not afraid of a command prompt but initially while finding my way round I'd rather use a GUI.
Embrace the command line it's easier than growing your own vegetables. I suspect you will only need to use it on rare occasions once the Panda OS settles down.

P.s. you should not mention the rm slash thingy even in jest! Against the rules. For education... you'd need a -r to the real damage. It makes it recursive and from the top level is not good.

Alibobar said:
I think people should just work through
Just had a quick look. Been a Unix system admin for years. I recommend.
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In order to prepare for the Pandora, I learnt linux by partitioning my HDD and dual-booting Slackware64. It was surprisingly easy to get it to install and boot. Actually doing anything in it was another matter though. Bear in mind that it's not Windows, and therefore anything you want to do (system maintenance-wise) won't be anything like the way you're used to, and you'll be fine.

Mind you, the fonts still look like shit though - that's the only issue I've not managed to work through yet (aside from the unfixable UI issues with GTK in KDE4) - documentation and help is available all over the net.

Prometheus said:
SomeGuy's signature is written in the style of a Linux command line. ;) In this case, he's used the ls ("list") command to show a fictional directory containing his guides. The titles he gave his guides are the clickables - they're very good. I've applied some of them to my own Pandora.

but he's commented out the ls commands hasn't he? in which case shouldn't the resultant output be nothing?
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Pleng said:
Prometheus said:
SomeGuy's signature is written in the style of a Linux command line. ;) In this case, he's used the ls ("list") command to show a fictional directory containing his guides. The titles he gave his guides are the clickables - they're very good. I've applied some of them to my own Pandora.

but he's commented out the ls commands hasn't he? in which case shouldn't the resultant output be nothing?

I think the hash mark signifies the super user command prompt here :)

EDIT: Ninja'd by a mile :ph34r:
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You could probably download/print out a cheat sheet. I've actually seen one that compares DOS commands to Linux commands. I've even seen tutorials to set up Linux aliases for DOS commands and vice versa. I imagine it would get confusing if you started using flags, but for simple stuff, it would help out.
I am an experienced linux developer, and I am quite happy just leaving my game-playing/fun-mode (i.e. not the developer pandora) in the simple UI.

you really shouldn't need a lot of linux experience if all you wanna do is have fun - set up the SD card on your other PC (Windows? OSX?), plug it into the Pandora, and off you go ..
torpor said:
I am an experienced linux developer, and I am quite happy just leaving my game-playing/fun-mode (i.e. not the developer pandora) in the simple UI.

you really shouldn't need a lot of linux experience if all you wanna do is have fun - set up the SD card on your other PC (Windows? OSX?), plug it into the Pandora, and off you go ..

Yup it works like that :)

however its nice to play music from a nas etc. and that requires a tiny bit of linux knoledge but this community and others help alot.
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