First, Format your SD card using the Panasonic SD Card Formatter - you can get this online for free.
Make sure you format to FAT32...I think EXT2 can also be used, but just do FAT32 for now.
Now, make a folder on the card called "pandora"
Inside the Pandora folder make these four folders:
Now...use the PNDStore to download PNDManager. Use that for further downloads, forget PNDStore even exists.
You can also download stuff from the repo ( Can put that stuff onto a computer and transfer to your SD Card.
Appdata, you will never put anything in. That is for programs to write things to.
If you put a .pnd program in
Apps - it will show up in your menu, and you will have a desktop icon
Menu - it will show up only in your menu, you will not get a desktop icon for it
Desktop - You only get a desktop icon, will not show up in menu.
This should be done according to your own preference, but it makes housekeeping easier...put the more frequently used ones in Apps or Desktop, less-often-used ones in Menu.
You can always change the folder you have a .pnd in later on if you change your mind about where you want it to appear.
One question last for now: Is there any list of games? Or where can I download them? I think I overlooked it, but I really can't find such a summary :huh: I have downloaded all the emulators from repo and stuff I need, but cannot find any game :lol:
Um... You do realize (i hope), that roms (games) to use with the emulators are your responsibility to get hold of/rip?
There will be no links on any of the official Open Pandora sites that will direct you to a Rom repository. Also, asking for links to such sites on these forums is a no-go.
You can also use ext3 (which is not unlike ext2) for SD cards.
ext2 and ext3 won't work with windows, while fat32 doesn't always work with PNDmanager
Both will work happily with any other linux system.
You can use Gparted op your pandora to set up multiple partitions on your SD card - remember to leave al least 4MB empty at the start of the card and understand what you're doing! -If you're going to fiddle with partitions, do this before your start loading data onto the card.
If a card is formatted as ext* it won't work in SD-mass-storage mode with windows computers. I have one partition of each on one of my cards
Well, Dafuq, if you already had roms for your emulators on your PC, then the same roms may work with the emulators on Pandora. It depends on what type of files they are.
MAME emulators, for example, need a specific version of ROMS, but this is okay, that is where clrmamepro will help. You just need the dat files to feed to clrmamepro, and you can instantly change one version of ROMs to another version of ROMS, one that will be compatible with whatever you need.
OTOH, other emulators...don't tend to have different versions needed, just use what you already got. and, as mentioned above, Google is your friend.