A few unanswered questions

Wait ... most HOMEBREW roms are legal for the download .
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I just assume the people that have thousands of MAME ROMs have all the Arcade Cabinets and a warehouse to store them all.  
Dear Dafuq,

I have to say I really love this forum and your questions are so great!! You seem so wise! :)

Thats why I took a Nickname so close to yours ♥

Hope you're gonna answer soon :-*
Why does mupen64 turn my panda into a lightshow? I tried to play zelda and conker, but I looked at a black screen and could hear the music. When I then try to force mupen shutting down, the screen is blinking real fast! What is the problem?

And how can I close mupen without forcing it to close?
That's strange. I can play SNES, what runs perfect (Played MegaMan X). I can't play mupen64 games (can start them but then the sceen turns black and I can only hear the games). I can't find any ROMs with psx, tried it million times  :unsure:

What's the problem? I'm sure I have the latest emulator-versions!
Check the docs in the pandora menu for psx. Only certain rom types are supported bin.cue etc. also you need the original psx bios as in boot software for some games to run. there is an emulated bios option though. check that you have selected emulated bios in the menu as most games run with this i believe.

I believe you can just select a psx rom from anywhere its stored on your sd card or does it need to go in a roms folder.
psx: "You don't seem to have copied any BIOS files to <SD card>/pandora/appdata/pcsx_rearmed/bios" -> What BIOS files do it mean?
They are the original boot software from the actual psx. They can be ahem! found on the interenet. they must be put in the bios folder.

i beleive most games run without the bios in pcsx re-armed now though. check the emulator settings. I think its called gles, it allows games to run without the original bios files i beleieve.

Pcsx r16 is the latest version of this emu. R17 is still in beta and may have some issues.