8bitdo gamepads pairing with Pandora Bluetooth


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
Do you know if there's something on the repo to make the pairing with 8bitdo gamepads possible ?

Just asking because with the normal way it always fails, but I suppose to be able to package a simple solution, if there's still nothing around.
It worked for me, and I was able to use the .emu emulators to try it out. That was using an FC30Pro I think it was.

But it requires a code, do you know what code the gamepad uses ? On Windows is automatic so I don't know what happens.

I tried to pair it as D/X-input and macOS, but the result is always the same, an insta-fail
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But it requires a code, do you know what code the gamepad uses ? On Windows is automatic so I don't know what happens.

It's been a while, but If I recall it's either 0000 or 1234
Ooooh, D - input + "0000" worked !! thanks

Maybe the last time I tried that code I was on the wrong input method