Well, 85 is good enough? perfectly smooth?
Thats good
what about newer games?
any word yet on how they look with newer games and how much performance you lose vs. video cards??
Usually the Performance was Halfed... like say you run Counter Strike at 100fps, activate Stereo Mode and it will drop to 50FPS (as it has to produce 2 seperate images or something)...
But the Latest Drivers seem to give you more FPS while in Stereo mode
The 5900 ultra is a very nice card. Way better than mine. I've only got a 128mb 5200 and even that is ok for everything but the very latest games. As an example MOHAA is fine in 3D at 800x600 on my card. It's a pity the 3D sight doesn't work in MOHAA though Doom 3 on the other hand is jerky even at low settings in 3D and X2 struggles during dogfights. A 5900 ultra is a heck of a hike up from my card though so should be fine for just about everything even in 3D.
Just played some quake 3 online in 3D. What a laugh, it's great. Couldn't hit shit until I got used to it but after that I played almost as well as normal. I got vertigo a couple of times looking over the edge of drops LOL. I don't think I could ever play at a competitive level with these on but they are a hell of a lot of fun even on line. I couldn't remember how to turn the q3 sight off at first so I had 3 sights at one point hehe.