"Very" Old Timer
OK So I've been using these 3D glasses for a few weeks now and they really are the mutts, that's shit hot to you Americans. Anyway after snapping a few screenshots of X2 the Threat in action I started to wonder if there were any 3D galleries online and the simple fact is yes there are loads.
There are all sorts of galleries with everything from russian aircraft to caving to abstract computer generated art to portraits.
One particular site blew me away. Click here to visit it. Enter the site. Click on the portraits section (carefully avoiding the nudes section
) and click on Brandi. Right Click on the shutter glasses icon at the top of the screen and save target to your desktop.
If you have Elsa Revelaters and the Nvidia drivers simply click on the saved JPS file. JPS btw is JPEG Stereo file. Now sit back and prepare to be amazed as Brandi's portrait suddenly fills your monitor. I don't mean fills your screen I mean fills your monitor. It's like a girl just stuck her head up inside your monitor and sat still. I kid you not. It is so lifelike. It's weird.
Give it a try.
EDIT: BTW you can save any side by side freeview shots you find and just rename the .jpg to .jps to be able to view them with your shutter glasses.
EDIT2: For those of you without Shutter glasses you can use the red and green / red and blue ones or learn to freeview ,ie veiwing smallish 3D pics without any glasses at all. see here for details. There are loads more freeviewing links at the bottom of the page too.
There are all sorts of galleries with everything from russian aircraft to caving to abstract computer generated art to portraits.
One particular site blew me away. Click here to visit it. Enter the site. Click on the portraits section (carefully avoiding the nudes section
If you have Elsa Revelaters and the Nvidia drivers simply click on the saved JPS file. JPS btw is JPEG Stereo file. Now sit back and prepare to be amazed as Brandi's portrait suddenly fills your monitor. I don't mean fills your screen I mean fills your monitor. It's like a girl just stuck her head up inside your monitor and sat still. I kid you not. It is so lifelike. It's weird.
Give it a try.
EDIT: BTW you can save any side by side freeview shots you find and just rename the .jpg to .jps to be able to view them with your shutter glasses.
EDIT2: For those of you without Shutter glasses you can use the red and green / red and blue ones or learn to freeview ,ie veiwing smallish 3D pics without any glasses at all. see here for details. There are loads more freeviewing links at the bottom of the page too.