warmi said:
On the left an uncompressed version of a 512x512 texture , on the right the same but compressed using PVRTC1/4BPP.
TGA - 786 KB
PVRTC1/4BPP - 171 KB
Here is another one .. same story, the only difference being the one on the right compressed using PVRTC1/2BPP.
TGA - 786 KB
Obviously, there is some difference but I think it is quite acceptable.
Heh... I think the sizes are telling, especially the 2bpp compression. While there IS loss, I think everyone is going to find that the memory goes REAL fast if you don't use compressed textures for many things.
In any case, a lot will depend on what kind of image are you trying to compress.
WizardStan said:
I still don't think the SD cards would be fast enough for swap, even accounting for the seek time. Not only does the average write rate account for random access, but you wouldn't normally write one block at a time anyway; more likely a few megs at a time in one contiguous chunk.
It's actually more usable than one would think. I do it right now on my N800- and it only occasionally pauses for a slight time when something HUGE gets swapped in or out.
Anywho, I'm hoping it's all a moot discussion anyway: I'm currently running dosbox, kdevelop, pidgen, totem (playing MP3s), and a professional decompiler called The Interactive Disassembler through Wine in about 150 megs. A few tweaks should easily bring memory usage down. Speaking of Firefox will only hurt my case, unfortunately...
Heh... You're forgetting modern games, 3D stuff, etc. All this stuff eats RAM like candy. Especially when you're sharing the framebuffer, 3D accel, OS, and app at the same time. 128Mb goes fast when you look at the textures you're having to deal with.
I remember running Netscape and word, and some other apps all at the same time on win3.1 with a whole 4 meg of ram, and up to 8 megs of swap space. WOW! And now we're worried that 128 megs won't be enough?
And they will be for using a lighter browser, and something like AbiWord. It's just that Q3, for example, would do "okay" with a 64Mb machine of the day- and that machine HAD video RAM for the framebuffer, vertex buffers, textures, etc. Plus the machine had swap to offload extra things like the bulk of X11, etc. off to swap to PLAY the game. We're looking at a similar thing here with what we're doing.
We're going to be "okay" with many of the things we are going to do with the Pandora- it's just that some of them are going to be a bit more aggressive with the resouce usage and you're going to need to leave the option open (don't require it out of the box...) to provide swap so that you can use the top-end games or to do several things simultaneously.
And for those clamoring that a console doesn't need swap, etc. What do you think each "Loading..." piece is on a PS2, etc. They're clearing out and loading up level stuff into memory. Much like what the swap does automatically.