Details Regarding The Xgp 2d/3d Accelerator

Back on the topic, I have looked again at the XGP/mini specs on Gamepark website and seen that the CPU would be a ARM920T with 266mHz. I don't know anything about all those ARM things (and I fully trust Epicenter about it) but doesn't that means the samsung chip has been chosen instead of the MagicEyes?
there are hundereds of licensees of the ARM design. could be anyone. could be a motorola or intel arm.. could be TI arm... could be sammy.. could be anyone.
I would think they'd specifically mention some of its other features. But they were saying 266 MHz back when they were plastering their demos with 'VRender-3D' everywhere. So they were probably just saying how far the chip overclocked, like how Craig calls the GP2X's ARM920T '240 MHz', not 200.
incidently, from what I understand, the PowerVR technology used in portable devices is essentially the dreamcast GPU on a smaller chipset.
I keep getting confused between PowerVR, and VRender-3D :P

EDIT: BTW, I don't know if it's too much to ask Epicenter, but please could you update the wikipedia article with the currently expected final specs?
abigsmurf posted on Oct 16 2006 at 08:24 AM said:
incidently, from what I understand, the PowerVR technology used in portable devices is essentially the dreamcast GPU on a smaller chipset.
Well, it seems to be the same microarchitecture, but the performance level is much much lower .. sure, you might be able to run graphics instructions from Dreamcast titles on the MBX-RS but the framerate would be abysmal. And the CPU is just way, way too much to emulate. Without any form of emulation, even the highest-end SoCs on the market have FPUs that pale in comparison to the Dreamcast SH-4 processors' floating point capability, which rates in the BILLIONS of floating point operations per second range.

BTW, I don't know if it's too much to ask Epicenter, but please could you update the wikipedia article with the currently expected final specs?
I could, but I'm a bit unsure of what I'd put-- GP hasn't given concrete enough evidence for a final SoC selection, though they seem to be leaning toward a Samsung SoC. And a lot of specs are just floating in the air, like the RAM specification.
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