3d Demo

pea posted on Sep 22 2005 at 04:55 PM said:
Is there actually anything to download??

I was wondering the same thing ... it does say download below ... :blink:
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It would be more fruitful to compile the source code for FLY.exe from the flight sim toolkit as there are hundreds of 3d worlds to fly round and tools to edit everything from colours, cockpits, flight models, world shapes - see my posting in the Dev section or get the source from


It's open source
Whoops, I simply forgot to put the link there... though you COULD'VE just check the gp32x File Archive, it was the most recent file (and the recent files there are also on the frontpage ;))
You need to be a registered member of gp32spain to download anything.
And BTW, nice demo, but i wonder if it´s still so fast when textures are added.
Nilsiboy posted on Sep 23 2005 at 07:19 PM said:
you mean, like, mech warrior merceneries?

No he means Mercenary Escape from Targ a 3d wireframe adventure flight sim mix on the C64, and others cool.
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It means that there are no textures, instead we see only the borders or "frames" of the polygons. Those could, with a bit of phantasy, look like wires.
I know what wireframe is! But there are two screenshots on the front page - one wireframe and one solid ship as seen in the demo - is the wireframe bit in the demo too? If so, how do I get to it?
I see what you mean - unless I'm missing something the demo is a model of a spaceship that you can spin around, zoom in and out, etc...

I was hopeing for some sort of racing demo as hinted at by the wireframe pic...