3 USB to ethernet from Japan, one very special.


Forum Addict!
Feb 13, 2010
Had all three for approx. 60€.

One 100 Mbps with low current draw:


One 1000 Mbps with normal current draw:


One 100 Mbps with 3 integrated USB 2 (compatible USB 1)ports:


All are tested and work on the Pandora.

The plastic cable seems strong, time will tell.

A fantastic thing (at least for me), i was able to plug the low current adapter on the USB hub of the third adapter, and it worked ! Of course, the bandwidth will be divided, but it's just great, especially for making the OP a gateway/firewall/router.






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I have the same one with the 3 port USB hub.. but the Manufacturer was called Nu or was it  Encore.. perhaps it was Addlogix... Who doesn't make this Ethernet adapter with USB Hub..

But honestly I love that Hub/Ethernet adapter, I have one for my Pandora and one for my Beagleboard.
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I just picked up a Kensington version. How do I get it to work though?

So, can I learn something new today? I would like to have a hard eth0 to fall back on. Plus having 3 USBs is really great. Gonna have some fun...

How do I start it for eth0 though?


Just turning on USB-host... Then "dmesg" and I see it add. I test a usb stick and can read it in thunar.

"ifconfig", although it lists eth0 now, only gives me an "inet6 addr:" (ipv6 number) but no connectivity.

So how do I properly activate it and get online with it?
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If using Zaxxon, just click on the network manager icon, and activate bnep0.
duh, thanks SWAT.

I don't feel stupid!

I don't feel stupid!

I don't feel stupid!

I don't feel stupid!

I don't feel ...
Well, i wonder why it's bnep0 and not eth0...

Can you add the link for your device please ?
I already used a usb to ethernet under Zaxxon ;^).

You have the ac adapter with it ?
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yes, not sure when Ill need it except for things like external hard drives. I mostly use flash sticks and thought that having an external eth0 would be a handy backup in case my router goes out... Or I just want some hardline security...

Not sure what I will use it for but the 3 USB ports was great and the eth0 is a bonus for me. My Pandora now goes with me a lot more places where I used to use a netbook.

My only catch now is that occassionally PDFs load VERY VERY slowly. Thats my only gripe. I solved my VLC problems (video and audio artifacts) by just running VLC in PanDebian.
I have "DriveDroid" for my Galaxy Player which lets me load ISOs and use my Android as a bootable HD to run PCLinux or Debian on any computer using the Android as the CD.

Your idea sounds similar and I will definitely look into it. I like hainv tools like that handy and although I have never messed with your SL4P project before as I am not there yet (Your instructions got me stuck) I am constantly learning. I finally dumped Windows as my Primary OS last fall and the Pandora was a help for me getting use to a system which has no Windows Fallback...

I love it!
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