1ghz pandora dreamcast emulation

What a great selling piece for the 1GHz if it can emulate Dreamcast perfectly (or near perfect).

.....anyone care for some Shenmue or Space Channel 5 'on the go'? :D

I would be waaayyy to embaressed to play space channel 5 in the open :P

I can already see the faces of people looking over my shoulders: :blink: :blink: is that space michael jackson getting served by a space cross dresser?!
LOL @ Foxgod.. Ahhhh, Space Channel 5 - Part 2..... having freaky flashbacks! :blink:

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Personally I'd rather have n64 emulation( with good sound ) done before we start dreaming of Dreamcast
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Personally I'd rather have n64 emulation( with good sound ) done before we start dreaming of Dreamcast
the thing is apparently its hard to get n64 emulation running well on any system.I believe the 1ghz extra speed/ram boost won't make much of a difference to n64 emulation.
There's plenty who wish it were better but im more of a dreamcast guy myself.
I viewed a youtube video about dreamcast emulation via android on a 1 GHz pandora. How true is this video? Because if that's true, it just convinced me to upgrade to a 1 GHz unit.

~Pandora Over Everything~

When you mean that Video,thats recorded from me and i have a 512 Rebirth Pandora overclocked to 1GHZ.

On the Real 1GHZ Pandora can we Overclock to mac 1,2GHZ and the

1GHZ Pandora have 200MHZ GPU Speed and double clocked RAM.

With the 1GHZ Edition must it work much better,when i have one i will make a Video for you all too ^_^
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This is running on a dual core a9 Phone though with the mali400 graphics, so if he optimized it for those specs it might be out of the ballpark for Pandora.