1GHz impressions and questions


Still Fresh
Dec 30, 2010
Let me prefface all this by saying I am a relative Linux n00b. I've messed around with emulation on Windows and on the Dingoo A320, so while I'm no expert, I've got a little bit of knowledge (which I'm told is a dangerous thing..) I've been following the project since '08, but missed out on the first batch preorders. I (obviously) don't post much, content to just lurk until I actually had my unit in hand. Well, I've had my 1Ghz Pandora for two days now :)

Generally, my impression has been pretty darn good and it keeps getting better as I get used to the little guy and all the quirks. My right nub was sticking a bit at first, but I broke it in and it hasn't given me a problem since. Using the repo and PNDstore to load PND's on the my SD card has been a snap.

Snes9x4P and PicoDrive 1.8 have been flawless so far. I really wish I had put more ROM's on my SD card for these two

gpSP also worked fine once I hunted down a BIOS file.

gpFCE-GP2X seems to be working fine for the most part. Played some Bionic Commando, Super Mario, Castlevania and Mega Man. Oddly, Mike Tyson's Punch Out has terrible graphical glitches. Is this a known issue? This exact same ROM has worked fine on multiple emulators on various devices, but when I get a chance I may just locate another copy to see if that helps at all. If it is an issue with the game, I'll try it out on some other emulator (Mednafen runs NES, right?)

Mupen 64Plus would not load any games at all initially, so I figured I had done someting wrong. Wasted an hour or so last night trying to fix it, but to no avail. Then it just up and started working after I updated to SuperZaxxon v1.51. Playing a bit of Mario 64 was fun, though I found the sound on Mario Kart 64 to be... grating. Also, it doesn't always quit out properly when I hit the Pandora button. Need to check the compatability list to see what else is worth giving a try.

Mupen64 and GpFCE would have probably been frustrating to deal with if not for Yoshi's fact sheets, so I owe him a pretty big thank you for putting all that information in one place. So far, if I had one wish about the various Pandora emulators, it's that they used a unifed set of commands to acces the menu systems... but I'll probably get used to it with time...

Super Geometry Dust also wouldn't work last night, but I think the update to SuperZaxxon v1.51 fixed that one too. Fantastic game it is and I can tell already I'm going to spend a lot of time on it.

Looking forward to trying out PCSX ReARMed, but first I need to figure out how to make CD images that are compatible with it. If anyone has a tutorial or advice to give on this front, I'll gladly take it. Was going to try Tomb Raider first, but I got the impressin that one was difficult to get right.

Anyhow, that's enough posting for now. Back to gaming!
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So it's not just me? Always reassuring to hear that. I'll keep my eyes on the thread in hopes of a fix.

Realized I had a bin/cue of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night sitting around from when I tried to get it working through Dingux. Seems to be working great on PCSX ReARMed :D
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use this for your psx roms, compresses in a seemingly lossless format and gives your roms proper names and single file access (play around with the settings) .pbp works brilliantly with pcsx (I've mushed 30gb worth of roms into under 20gb)



the source is available, wonder if someone can port it to the pandora... it's a extremely useful utility
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My copy of Punch Out worked on Mednafen, so I guess it is an issue with that game on gpFCE-GP2X.

On PSCX, I got Tomb Raider loaded up. Was all excited that it was working great, but then it hung with a blank black screen after the initial cut scene finished :( Anyone have any ideas on that one? Mortal Kombat Trilogy worked on the first try though.

Overall, I'm really impressed with the quality of PSX emulation.

Thaks notaz :)

I thought I had read it needed to be done diferently, but didn't remember what needed to be done.

I'll give it a try tonight or tomorrow night and post my results.
Still haven't gotten Tomb Raider up and running, but I'll get there eventually.

Tried to set up Lynx emulation through both mednafen and Handy. Made sure to grab the BIOS file that I used to use on my Dingoo.

Mednafen wouldn't do anything at all, just constantly flashing to the desktop and then going back to the rom selector screen.

By contrast, Handy told me I had a wrong BIOS file.

What format should the roms be in? LNX or do they need to be zipped?
Whereas the simulated BIOS included in the emulator works for most titles, you may well need a proper PSX BIOS if you don't already have one. I needed one to get a couple of games working. Remember to select the BIOS in the emu options once you have them.

Edit: I should mention that I was talking about the PCSX emu of course.
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