I really like Deluxe Snake and I think this will stay on my card for some time. I'm a great fan of the snake principle and I have written a snake clone for windows that can be found
here (sort of discontinued) and also a small gp32 port, but I'm too lazy to finish it and it's really nothing compared to Deluxe Snake. Because of my experiences, I know how hard it is to get the feeling of the game right, to make it feel smooth and responsive, and to make the gameplay motivating, and I think that Deluxe Snake has accomplished this quite well. It really keeps me hooked!
After all this candy, here's some constructive criticism:
The mixing is broken! If samples and music are played at the same time, or even multiple samples are played together, overflows appear and the sound is cracking and very very disturbing, so please fix this by reducing the volumes of samples/music!
The size of the game is too big. Could you at least release a version without music/additional backgrounds or whatever blows up the size?
What do all these funny numbers in the HUD mean? Please explain them!
You tell me that you save my highscore but I can never see it or enter my name anywhere. This would be very important for player motivation and the addictive factor.
The pause feature is not very userfriendly. Normally, I pause a game to have my hands free to do something else, so having to push the L-Button all the time just isn't the right solution.
I want levels! You know like some obstaces in the way if the snake, walls, labyriths! I'm willing to provide my tilesets and source code for this, it would be really cool!
I assume this version you released for the compo is not finished, so just ignore any things I said that you were going to do anyway.
I'm really looking forward to further development. A big thumb up for Deluxe Snake!