~10,000 Hotmail Accounts Apparently Compromised

I got a panicked call today saying that "Hackers have got into peoples bank accounts! You need to cancel your accounts now!". After they calmed down a bit I told them that nothing was hacked into, but some idiots typed there passwords into web forms because they were asked to and most likely used the exact same email/username and password for everything else.

Regardless of any security measures, nothing can protect you from stupidity.
I'm guessing that this is a follow-up to the original story - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8294714.stm. According to the article, people are suspecting that it was from some key loggers and it sounds like there were other lists as well. My guess is that they filtered down the different usernames and passwords to just show stuff related to hotmail, along with the other lists for the other web email things.

For the misuse of terms thing.. I've found that the BBC are actually pretty good at getting it right and they are now where I get most of my techy news from (along with the register, when i cba to check it). They wrote an article today explaining phishing, which is also probably related to the original story, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8294544.stm.