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  1. M

    Caanoo For Sale

    sorry sold it for $30
  2. M

    Caanoo For Sale

    i need some cash so im having to sell my below sorry if in wrong place but i'll probaly get a better responce here im gonna put this on ebay with the below info. my beloved gp32x web site has first crack at making me a offer Info taken from box and caanoo website (so don’t blame me...
  3. M

    Caanoo For Sale

    im gonna put this on ebay with the below info. my beloved gp32x web site has first crack at making me a offer Info taken from box and caanoo website (so don’t blame me for any mistakes) WHAT YOU’RE GETTING IN BOX 1. CAANOO's (WHITE) main body (146*700*185mm) 2...
  4. M

    Why Is There No Fba For The Caanoo ?

    any more info on this ?
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    Roms The Ultimate Taboo

    well said dunny .i bet there people with more roms than you who don't own the game . thats geussing you don't own close to 10.000 games,have you played them all ?, are is it just a case of bragging rights to your friends (i no it is for me) saying you own every game released in the 80's and 90's...
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    Roms The Ultimate Taboo

    I'm very proud of you darklight1138 being the first to admiting (and me) you've played games/roms you don't own . I don't beleave for one minute that there is one person or someone they no on the forum who hasnt played a game they legaly own in one way or another be it a tape for c64 from the...
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    Roms The Ultimate Taboo

    so i was thinking to myself what is all the fuss about with roms, with some companys refussing to rerelease old games some companys going bust some games old and new are never going to see the light of day again. how are we going to look back on games of the past which set things going for the...
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    Minecraft On The Caanoo

    ive been playing a class little game for the pc called minecraft its about 40mb in size and isint realy musicly are graphicly advanced,and was woundering wound it be possible to get it running on the caanoo
  9. M

    Minecraft On The Caanoo

    ive been playing a class little game for the pc called minecraft its about 40mb in size and isint realy musicly are graphicly advanced,and was woundering wound it be possible to get it running on the caanoo
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    Pcsx4All Starting A Game Help

    try these for settings help to get your game running
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    Frodo (C64 Emulator)

    thanks for your advice guys ive got it working,the games and frodo that turns out someone are something changed the file extencions on my rom games colection and frodo could'nt find them there now the d64 standard.and the sit where i was getting the games roms which i own was also giving...
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    thanks for your advice guys ive got it working,the games and frodo that turns out someone are something changed the file extencions on my rom games colection and frodo could'nt find them there now the d64 standard.and the sit where i was getting the games roms which i own was also giving...
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    Frodo (C64 Emulator)

    what is the file extinsion for c64 floppies is it .NIB like tapes are .tap
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    what is the file extinsion for c64 floppies is it .NIB like tapes are .tap
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    sorry if this is the wrong place to post this how do you load rom on this frodo newest version Frodo_20110703 i have made a roms folder with some roms in it in the frodo folder with .tap file extension unzipped.i...
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    Frodo (C64 Emulator)

    sorry if this is the wrong place to post this how do you load rom on this frodo newest version Frodo_20110703 i have made a roms folder with some roms in it in the frodo folder with .tap file extension unzipped.i...
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    Offical Usb Wifi Dongle,who's Got One ?

    hi thanks for your dongle advice on Buffalo WLI-UC-GNM,its just what ive been looking for here in the uk.check this .just a few things is this ready to go out the box ?.if not what do i need to do.and do i need to do any thing...
  18. M

    Help On Offical Usb Wifi Dongle,who's Got One ?

    hi i was thinking of getting a offical caanoo wifi dongle (£9.99 free p+p). then thought what can you realy do with it apart from play some games with other caanoo's ?. ive seen there a app called caanoo web browers in the download section,but alot of people seem to be having trouble with it...
  19. M

    Offical Usb Wifi Dongle,who's Got One ?

    hi i was thinking of getting a offical caanoo wifi dongle (£9.99 free p+p). then thought what can you realy do with it apart from play some games with other caanoo's ?. ive seen there a app called caanoo web browers in the download section,but alot of people seem to be having trouble with it...
  20. M

    Why Is There No Fba For The Caanoo ?

    it looks like i'm not the only one who was wanting a port of fba for there caanoo. and with yoshi dragon very kind offer of a caanoo there no reason why someone can't try to do this. if there is no takers on his kind offer on are pages,we should start a partition in a nice respectful way on are...