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  • Users: rutto
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  1. rutto

    Release Jagged Alliance 2 beta!

    BONER!!! I started the game in this right moment. I think I'm not gonna be able to work today ^___^ I'll check compatibility with 1.13, UB and WF as soon as I've time This port has several degrees of awesomeness
  2. rutto

    Release Quake2 Nanogl

    mice should be supported without problems... did any of you tried simply plugging a mouse in the mini-usb port? (u'll need an adapter for that)
  3. rutto

    Release Beta Test: Upcoming (HF5) Firmware Image BETA 2

    no *new* issues found so far, the firmware works just fine. Biggest and most annoying issues are still in there thou. Baahh, I'll try to find some time reporting them on the bug tracker
  4. rutto

    non voglio, ma posso. ahh le tentazioni!

    non voglio, ma posso. ahh le tentazioni!
  5. rutto

    the 1st pandatweet, at last!

    the 1st pandatweet, at last!
  6. rutto

    Soundcard buzzing, LCD lost brightness and flickering

    I already tried everything mentioned above; no luck. I only used the provided power supply to charge the battery once, and never actually plugged any USB device. The external loudspeakers I was using were the Creative T-20; so yes, powered. Even keeping the power sources unplugged for...
  7. rutto

    Soundcard buzzing, LCD lost brightness and flickering

    I name myself as most unlucky Pandora user out there so far. Here's a new chapter of my unlucky love-story with the Panda (copy-pasted from the mail I sent to ED's shop) [...] I'm here to report new troubles with my (otherwise awesome) Pandora. - I got it back on Friday, KUDOS for...
  8. rutto

    latte di soja senza zuccheri aggiunti. Un frappe' di cartone sarebbe piu' saporito. Seriamente...

    latte di soja senza zuccheri aggiunti. Un frappe' di cartone sarebbe piu' saporito. Seriamente, perche' lo sto bevendo?
  9. rutto

    Finally Got My Pandora

    jesus, I've created a monster thread! Can u ppl keep me entertained until I actually get my damn Panda back?? :P My mum loses her glasses once a month, by wearing them. She's not blond, but probably some juvenile drug abuse helped with her forgiveness. And I still can't spell the name of the...
  10. rutto

    Finally Got My Pandora

    I finally got mine as well, after 2 days of further delay due to incomplete address info on the package. I want to be polite today. My unit is screwed. - Missing stylus-pen - Missing both the lower-front screws - Loose case (due to the missing screws) - Left shoulder button not working (it...
  11. rutto

    What Will Be The First Application You Will Install/launch ?

    BEGIN: - pr0n - xcom ufo defence - goto BEGIN
  12. rutto

    So Evildragon Is Going To The Olymptronica

    Wow, I leave 5 bike-minutes far from the Unicampus Westend (where Olymptronica takes palce) and I couldn't care less going there to see a naked prototype. I consider myself an enthusiast Pandora wannabe-user but paying 10Euro to just hear ED saying "hellolo" isn't worth enough (imho) :P...
  13. rutto

    Release Quake2 Nanogl

    Cool stuff, thanks for the info! Q2 up and running means having a huge amount of awsome mods to play with! :D
  14. rutto

    Release Quake2 Nanogl

    Sorry, but I'm not impressed at all. 30fps are the minimum for first person shooter and the demo itself shows some little hang-up. If Q2 runs @30fps, do you all think Q3 will be actually playable at that resolution?? Is the CPU clock affecting fps that much? I though that GPU is the most...
  15. rutto

    Pandora On Gizmodo

    Ahahah, Luke Karmazin made me lol! Look at comments, that guy is receiving Pandora next week (he ordered the UK version and owned me :) ). Of course he will!
  16. rutto

    Blog Post.. China New Years? I Thought Made In Us?

    Fair enough! I hope everyone will stop complaining now... anyway, "we won't use chinese factories, cheap parts etc. almost everything (inc the pcb) is made in north America." :)
  17. rutto

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    fair enough, but you ignored my guess (15 March 2009) :) PS: why do you close "the game"? Pandora isn't coming before 3 month + 2 days :P
  18. rutto

    Shipping Date: Guessing Game

    quote 100%, let's say 15 March :( let's hope this thread will survive that long :P
  19. rutto

    Which Os Do You Expect To Use On The Pandora Itself?

    I'll mess around A LOT with the OSes, so my vote goes to "other alternatives". Since Sidux doesn't support ARM, I'll try Debian first.