What Will Be The First Application You Will Install/launch ?

1.- Nintendo emus (if available, from the NES all the way to the GBA)
2.- Sega emus (if available, from SMS to Sega CD)
3.- PSX emu
4.- DOSBox
5.- ScummVM
6.- A movie
7.- Some mp3

And... welll, every last piece of software I can install / test during the night or the weekend :P.
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1 - PSX Emu (FF7 anyone?)
2 - DosBox
3 - Mplayer
4 - nes/snes emulator
5 - quake 1
Testing the preloaded software/firefox.
But by the end of the first day, I want s-video to my tv, Pandora 1st player, wiimote 2nd player, Metal Warriors on SNES emu.
Then Vandal Hearts II on psx emulator.
'Eniko' said:
o.o You mean Miranda IM? That doesn't run on Linux without WINE, as far as I know. If you know some way to make it work, I'm all ears, seeing as how it leaves pidgin in the dust, IMHO.

Also, My first application aside from the ones that run on boot, would probably be Picodrive, unless the awesome, but unlikely, happened and there was an N64 emulator at launch. In which case I would run the N64 emulator and load up Ocarina of Time and praise the lord.

-God Ginrai
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Trillian is more awesome and it runs with WINE :D

But pidgin is an alternative and I believe it should come pre-installed (at laest it does in some linux distros)
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Pidgin was installed on the Angstrom build in one of ED's videos, he didn't launch it.
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'Raz' said:
Trillian is more awesome and it runs with WINE :D

But pidgin is an alternative and I believe it should come pre-installed (at laest it does in some linux distros)
Trillian is utter crud. I may not like pidgin so much because it doesn't have a few key features that I need, but it's so much better than Trillian that you shouldn't even consider that bloated program.

-God Ginrai
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'fischju2000' said:
Pidgin was installed on the Angstrom build in one of ED's videos, he didn't launch it.
He did IRC with it on one video.
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0. screen+irssi ;) (through ssh, though)
1. nintendo emulators
2. PSX emulator
3. Firefox / Fennec (if it's ported already)
4. mplayer
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[insert comment about application from the far future and/or duke nukem forever]

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im sure im gonna try and play with the os...create folders and stuff. and as program, i'd launch the media player, and see how long i can listen music with this little miracle of technology.

and for games, i really hope i'l be able to play full speed N64 games soon. the psp can do it with ease, so the pandora should achive 100% compability and 100% speed.
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'God Ginrai' said:
'Raz' said:
Trillian is more awesome and it runs with WINE :D

But pidgin is an alternative and I believe it should come pre-installed (at laest it does in some linux distros)
Trillian is utter crud. I may not like pidgin so much because it doesn't have a few key features that I need, but it's so much better than Trillian that you shouldn't even consider that bloated program.

-God Ginrai

THIS. Seriously, Trillian sucks.

Back on topic:

I will try out Mplayer, PicoDrive, and PSX4Pandora first.
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'calc84maniac' said:
N64 emulation.

You know you want it.
I know I want it, but that doesn't mean it will happen straight off.

'borgqueenx' said:
and for games, i really hope i'l be able to play full speed N64 games soon. the psp can do it with ease, so the pandora should achive 100% compability and 100% speed.
What world do you live in? The PSP in no way emulates N64 "with ease." It can emulate the N64 at slow framerates, that's definitely not "with ease."

-God Ginrai
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'God Ginrai' said:
'calc84maniac' said:
N64 emulation.

You know you want it.
I know I want it, but that doesn't mean it will happen straight off.

'borgqueenx' said:
and for games, i really hope i'l be able to play full speed N64 games soon. the psp can do it with ease, so the pandora should achive 100% compability and 100% speed.
What world do you live in? The PSP in no way emulates N64 "with ease." It can emulate the N64 at slow framerates, that's definitely not "with ease."

-God Ginrai

there are a couple of games running on full speed. maby i didnt need to say "with ease". but the psp got 333mhz and 32mb of ram(on the fat psp). so the pandora should really get full speed. without lag.
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