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  1. Critical_Impact

    Dosbox Problems

    Hahaha, that got the dpad working great :D That really needs to be off by default in DBoxFE. The other thing I'd love to see in DBoxFe is the ability to get it to run an exe automatically instead of just mounting. I changed it in the conf file, but after the first run it removed the entire...
  2. Critical_Impact

    Dosbox Problems

    Does anyone have problems where their down and right dpad buttons dont map properly to anything? I can change it in the mapper but I'd rather fix it using mapper.txt I tried out the one in this thread but it didnt help.
  3. Critical_Impact


    It doesn't compile for Linux yet. The GUI window manager needs a rewrite so that it'll work on linux. Way out of my league :P
  4. Critical_Impact

    Do You _Need_ A Pnd Documentation Reader For Windows?

    Assuming developers put in information that I need. Generally, the time I have issues is when I need to get data files from a game and put them on my SD card and not knowing where they go. There's always information on the forums, but sometimes I'm feeling a bit lazy so searching for an answer...
  5. Critical_Impact

    Release Pcsx-Rearmed

    So I tried out Final Fantasy 8 and Resident Evil 3. I could get FF8 to start, but the first battle I had, it froze, the music kept playing though. As for resident evil, I tried using multiple BIOS's and I couldn't get it to work at all. I also gave Digimon Rumble Arena a go, that worked fine...
  6. Critical_Impact

    Dpad Mapping

    So is there any way to get the DPAD to register as Up/Down/Left/Right in DOSBox. When I goto remap it seems to think left is alt, up is insert, and right and down are unknown. This would be fine but alt also fires weapons in a lot of games. Also I'd like the abxy buttons to actually map to those...
  7. Critical_Impact

    Beta Dink Smallwood

    The keymapping would be nice. I find this to be a problem in a fair few of the games/emulators released. The performance is great but the lack of proper input makes it a lot harder to enjoy the games.
  8. Critical_Impact

    Dpad Mapping

    So is there any way to get the DPAD to register as Up/Down/Left/Right in DOSBox. When I goto remap it seems to think left is alt, up is insert, and right and down are unknown. This would be fine but alt also fires weapons in a lot of games. Also I'd like the abxy buttons to actually map to those...
  9. Critical_Impact

    I Got My Pandora

    Just got mine, no problems with build quality. Very small scuff on the top but its hardly noticable. Installed the latest RC firmware and been giving N64 roms a go. Going to give a whole bunch of other games a go as well :D
  10. Critical_Impact

    Your pandora has been shipped

    Apparently my Pandora is now in Germany, :P According to UPS it'll reach Australia by Friday, so here's hoping I've got it to screw around with on the weekend. Mascot, Australia 08/02/2011 16:29 Package data processed by brokerage Waiting for clearance Koeln, Germany 08/02/2011 4:15...
  11. Critical_Impact

    Your pandora has been shipped

    Just got an email from OPT saying that it was shipped via UPS, though the tracking number is listed as "SentdirectfromUPS" Anyone know what that means, I'm thinking maybe UPS will send me an email or something?
  12. Critical_Impact

    Instant Pandora with a premium?

    So here's a quickie, when you upgrade to the Premium, does it mean it'll be shipped between 1-7 days or shipped on the 7th? I ordered ages ago, figured it'd be good to give them a bit of extra money so I upgraded :D
  13. Critical_Impact

    Netflix Fixed My Shoulder Buttons!

    If I get terrible shoulder buttons I'll have to sign up for netflix for a week :P Nice tip!
  14. Critical_Impact

    Shipping Method To Australia

    You know what I wish, I wish I had ordered months before I did -_- The suspense is killing me
  15. Critical_Impact

    Shipping Method To Australia

    Isn't the minimum amount you have to have before Australian customs start charging you extra, $1000? So we should be in the clear?
  16. Critical_Impact

    Aussie Pandoras

    I want my Pandora!!!!!!! I'm in Brisbane, order number was around 3600 I believe.
  17. Critical_Impact

    Now That We Are Already Busy Making More Subforums..

    But then we'd have to move the entire forum there :P
  18. Critical_Impact

    Questions: A Small List

    If you can format the card to ext2 using the pandora or a linux system you can then get access to it using ext2ifs. I've used it plenty of times when I was copying "things" from my PS3 and needed to store files over 4gb. It'll make the ext2 partition mount correctly and you'll be able to read...
  19. Critical_Impact

    Ce Certification Now Invalid?

    They should just add a time machine to it and then we can go back and troll on the forums even harder, because there will be two copies of ourselves. Of course you could tell the team what was going to go wrong but trolling works way better, right?
  20. Critical_Impact

    Would You Want A Painted Pandora?

    If not having them painted means it has those weird marks that the old pictures showed, and painting gets rid of them and they end up like the most recent photos then I say hell, paint the things. Also as long as it all fits together, I don't see the problem.