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  1. ExquisiteCorpse

    How to play the FF7 demake?

    I won't link to the rom for obvious reasons but I'm having issues playing the demake? When I download the 1.1 patch I get an IPS file. Do I have to patch it against a rom?
  2. ExquisiteCorpse

    Port Request: Gpodder

    I know there's a current app for gpodder from a few years ago but it never launches for me anymore. Any chance someone could port a newer gpodder?
  3. ExquisiteCorpse

    Audio sounds muddy unless mic button is pressed

    Hi Does anyone else have this issue? Headphones with a mic button and vol control produce a muddy sound unless you hold down the mic button! Driving me mad
  4. ExquisiteCorpse

    State of the pyra

    Hey not been following as much last 6 months or so. Could I get an update on most important developments? Also anything interesting happened/released with pandora in last year?
  5. ExquisiteCorpse

    Resident Evil 2 load files

    Hi, I can't see scenario B when loading Leons disk. I can see it when I load Claires disk (but obviously you need Leons disk inside to be able to load it!) I can also see it under Extra stuff > Mem card manager So why does it say Memory card has no files when I load leons disk?
  6. ExquisiteCorpse

    Fallout has clipped video/audio

    Hi Wanted to go through fallout yesterday and found it very stuttery and clipped audio. Just me?
  7. ExquisiteCorpse

    PSX issues

    hi Guys, I just picked up my pandora wih an aim of going through some psx RPG's but ran into some issues I ws having previously. FF8 crashes when you go into Ifrits cave. Wild Arms crashes as well when you play as the girl in the castle. In Cold Blood starts up then goes to a blank screen...
  8. ExquisiteCorpse

    Harverster on dosbox

    Hi I'm not having a huge amount of success getting harvester to work. What files should I be copying and where should they go? I've copied the 3 iso files that make up the game. As well as the exe file but when I hit launch it takes me to a dos screen : / Thanks
  9. ExquisiteCorpse

    Can someone port the new simutrans?

    The current one is 2 years old. And i'm quite addicted at the minute :)
  10. ExquisiteCorpse

    Mud clients

    Sup guys, I got back into Muds recently (aardwolf yeeeah) Can't find any on the app store though? I saw a link to tinyfugue but that link is long dead... Cheers
  11. ExquisiteCorpse

    Ordered a new case but didnt come with a stylus

    HI Ed, I ordered a new case pack for my pandora but it didn't come with a stylus. That was the main reason i ordered it as I thought having a spare case could be good. Could you send a stylus at all? Thanks
  12. ExquisiteCorpse

    Pandora gets stuck at boot process :(

    Hi My Pandy is not behaving! When I boot it up it just stays on the Powered by Angstrom page with the load bar 95 percent full! When I try to flash it I get Loading file "boot.scr" from mmc1 devicce 0:1 (xxa1) ** extefs_devread read outside partition sector 244807680 **unable to read...
  13. ExquisiteCorpse

    Linux gaming news! It's happening!

    Anyone been following the Valve presentations with their new controller, steam machines, VR and their Vulkan API replacing OpenGL?
  14. ExquisiteCorpse

    PCSX2 for 64 bit Debian Testing

    Hi Anyone managed to get PCSX2 for debian testing working? I've asked on the debian forums to not much help. Cheers
  15. ExquisiteCorpse

    Godot OpenSource Xmas jam Looks like Godot are having an opensource comp this Christmas so we might see some nice games for the Pandy. Anyone tried Godot on OP yet?
  16. ExquisiteCorpse

    Any Dota 2 players here? If so want to start a tribe/group thing?

    I'm a 2k mmr player. Heros I play often: Elder Titan, Earth Spirit and Juggernaut,
  17. ExquisiteCorpse

    Lost my stylus

    I've been getting by for a while but it's started to annoy me more and more and I realised playing scumm games is so much better with stylus. I can't see them on dragonbox though? (only the X stylus. I'm happy with vanilla one..)
  18. ExquisiteCorpse

    [Decided not to sell) Pandora for sale (UK £200)

    Pandora for sale. Comes with sylus and in great condition. Paint on the back has started to wear but other than that it's all fine. Preferably a sale to the UK as I don't have paypal (and will never use that company again due to their blocking of wikileaks payments) so a standard bank transfer...
  19. ExquisiteCorpse

    Installing Pandian

    HI I want to create a 4gb bootable SD card for Pandian. I'm at work however and don't have my linux laptop and the dd command on the pandian wiki doesn't work on the pandora. Was just wondering if there's a way to create a pandian SD card with just GParted or something? Cheers...
  20. ExquisiteCorpse

    Help me buy a linux friendly laptop

    Looking for a linux friendly laptop. I know there was that kerfuffle about UEFI but I'm not too read up on UEFI. From what I heard though it's microsofts attempt at locking in the bios to the OS......Rage. Anyway my choices at the moment seem to be: Optimus V - Price £780 this laptop which...