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  • Users: x68000
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  1. x68000

    Pandora won't close down

    Hi all, just received my Pandora and everything is ok apart from being unable to shut down. When i try to do this, it looks as if all is going well and shuts down, but it then begins to restart and goes back to the desktop. I've tried reflashing the firmware but to no avail. Any ideas?
  2. x68000

    Microsoft E3 2010 Press Conf

    Watch it live here: Already hate the final 'Natal' name! EDIT: Microsoft delayed it by 30 Mins, so 6:30 start now :angry:
  3. x68000

    Touchscreen Issue

    Was just trying out the latest release of Zods PSX4Pandora. After I exited and went back to the standard desktop, i noticed that the calibration on the touchscreen seemed way off. Basically, if you touch the bottom left hand corner of the screen with the stylus, the arrow sits about an inch...
  4. x68000

    Look Who Flew The Nest!

    Just a quick post to show you what i've just managed to prize away from Craig and the guys just 30 minutes ago! This is the first Pandora to leave the assembly line! I won't be online much tonight, but i'll answer any questions tomorrow. By that time i may have actually had a chance...
  5. x68000

    Looking For Monitor With 15, 24 & 31Khz Signals

    The Monitor which came with my Sharp X68000 has died, after nearly 18 years of semi constant use. A shame, but can't complain too much. So, i'm trying to find a new/used one which supports mainly 15 and 31Khz (don't remember 24Khz being used that often) This one on eBay looked perfect, but it...
  6. x68000

    The Apple Ipad Had Landed
  7. x68000

    A Stranger In The Fog Knocks On Craig's Door

    Just been over to see Craig at Pandora Towers and wanted to share with you guys and gals my findings! First Impressions I was unsure what to expect when i first clapped eyes on the Pandora, half of me anticipating it being a heavy, bloated and unpocketable device. There was no need to worry...
  8. x68000

    Nintendo Loses Flashcart Legal Battle!

    From Nintendo has lost a major court battle today over the production of flash cartridges for its DS handheld, according to reports, after a judge ruled that developers should be allowed to develop applications for the platform at their own free will. Nintendo apparently filed a...
  9. x68000

    Button Layout Poll - The Final Chapter

    Sorry for yet another Button Layout thread, No more i promise after this! 2 Choices only, GP2X or SNES.
  10. x68000

    Michael Jackson Has Died Age 50

    Just confirmed by the press association after suffering cardiac arrest. Very Very Sad.
  11. x68000

    Alan Shearer - New Newcastle United Manager!

    Newcastle never fail to amaze! Whether for the right reasons or the wrong! Shearer in charge till the end of the season - at least! I know we have a few members from Newcastle around here, so thought this was newsworthy! Now looking forward to Chelsea at home this saturday :D
  12. x68000

    What Is Possible On 256mb Ram?

    RAM has just officially doubled, so what can now be possible which was impossible on just 128mb RAM?
  13. x68000

    Selling Over 500 Japanese Saturn Games In 1 Lot On Ebay! Take A Lo

    Just listed my saturn collection over on ebay. All games are japanese and the majority include their spine cards too. I'll be adding more pics in the next 24 hours and have loads more to sell, including many brand new japanese peripherals and systems. Take a look...
  14. x68000

    Updated To 2.0 And Still Not Happy!

    Having had a little more time to play around with the latest firmware, i have to say that i'm disapointed. Load up is imporoved, but the screen glitches after bootup occasionally, constant interference on screen, and the menu system is so cumbersome and amateurish. It beggers belief to think...
  15. x68000

    Brand New Gp2x - Unopened & Boxed

    I have a GP2X which has yet to make it out of the box! Brand new and never opened. Yours for £100 including the P&P. Or collect in the durham/newcastle area for £95.
  16. x68000

    Official Drm Explanation From Craig At

    posted at DRM? It's in the hardware. Hello everyone, Craig here, Due to some inaccurate internet reporting, I will clarify what on earth DRM is doing in a Linux console. Well, the simple reason is that it's in the chipset we are using as standard, but the...
  17. x68000

    Game Park Holdings To Change Name

    checking on the q&a section of the gpx2 site, it was mentioned that as well as changing the gpx2's name, GPH will also be changed too!! Any suggestions on what they should rename the company?
  18. x68000

    Gp2x - Will You Or Won't You Buy One?

    I have kept this as a poll only as we already have expressed our views in the, 'gpx2 unveiled' post. I'll forward the results onto Game Park Holdings on sunday evening 6pm GMT. EDIT: I apologise for the GP2x thing on the title :unsure:
  19. x68000

    Is Project Ninja The Codename For The Xgp????

    Was all the Project Ninja details we had over the last couple of weeks just a decoy to guage opinion and ideas for what really is the new GP32? Craig was asking questions regarding it last week but is also heavily tied up with Gamepark. Are they one and the same??? Your opinions...
  20. x68000

    Gbax 2005 Reactions & Reflections

    ecstatic or disapointed? whats your thoughts?