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  • Users: mazza558
  • Content: Threads
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  2. M

    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    As some of you may have noticed, TaG and I have been posting less and less on the unofficial blog lately. We don't really feel this is fair on the community, but we have other commitments. TaG and I are unfortunately unable to order from the first batch, as well as having our own separate...
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    Pandora On Ars Technica

    Linky QUOTE Though the current build is still missing its internal components, the team ensures those awaiting the device that the project is coming together and has posted an "unofficial estimated" launch date of April 7. eep. It was me who suggested April 7th as an estimated release date...
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    A Plea To Extend The Re-ordering Deadline

    Today, MWeston shared a video showing the first Prototype Pandora actually working, but not in the same sense as I imagined. I appreciate that MWeston hasn't got the latest Angstrom image to show people at the moment, and the video would have been impressive in its own right, but the...
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    Should The Pandora Devs Get Special Forum Images?

    It'd be a good way for community members if the official Pandora developers got a custom image relating to the Pandora, rather than the Certified GP32 Guru thing we have. Something like this:
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    Unofficial Blog Poll

    Since people keep requesting for me to change the blog theme, here's a poll detailing the theme options. Bear in mind each choice comes with a compromise, as no theme offers what would be perfect. (note - flexible width means the page resizes based on the size of the browser window and custom...
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    Preparing For The Pandora Media Blitz

    As we all know, there is a possibility that the Pandora might actually be released at some point before this May, and there will be lots of media attention on the dev team themselves, especially if the Pandora really is the first ARM UMPC/thingy out there. Whilst the dev team will probably be...
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    Your Favourite Source Of Pandora News?

    Since we now have the unofficial blog up and running, what is your favourite source of Pandora news? (Obviously my vote will be biased, since I started the unofficial blog, but anyway...)
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    When I Actually Have The Pandora In My Hands...

    ...I'm just going to be in a state of shock. I'll look at it, turn it on and won't actually believe what I'm seeing. It's been such a long wait (no fault of the devs, of course), but it's gonna be a surreal experience. :P
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    What Sort Of Reviews Will The Pandora Get?

    See the thread title. Since the Pandora is getting pretty close to release, some sites might get their hands on one (e.g Engadget, Ars Technica) and review it. What do you think they'll be saying about it? What will the overall consensus be?
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    Pandroid - Android On Pandora

    The more I read about Android, the more I'm convinced that it'd be absolutely perfect for the Pandora. - We get all the Android apps (well, except the phone/camera ones) - More functional than Matchbox (by miles) - Runs on ARM (T-mobile G1) - Is actually designed for a mobile device and...
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    Half The Protoype Case

    MWeston posted this image earlier: With this info: QUOTE It fits, but it had to be made thicker to prevent brittle areas in the cups holding the carbon pads. Therefore, it isn't very usable as it takes a lot of force to press buttons. As far as form is concerned, it fits beautifully. As...
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    How Long Before The Pandora Becomes "nothing Special"?

    Considering that next year there'll be a deluge of ARM-netbooks coming out, how long do you think it'll be before the Pandora is considered nothing special in terms of specs and capability? Since we won't be seeing it in our own hands for a month or two, could another ARM device steal its...
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    Intel Planning On Buying Imagination Technologies?

    Linky What would this mean for the Pandora?
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    First Completely Assembled Pandora

    As aliking said, QUOTE He also doesn't say that you will see videos next weekend - just that they will be building it next weekend. Although I expect there will be some "where are the videos we were promised?" threads from the wee hours of Saturday morning. Well, here's that thread. :P...
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    The Continually-rising Popularity Of The Pandora

    I've just noticed that according to Google Trends, the Pandora has steadily gained popularity over the last year. When the preorders started, look at the massive spike of interest around that date. It might suggest that there's still tons of interest out there, but most people need a little more...
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    Will Software Be Designed For The Small Screen?

    I was wondering about this earlier. Gmenu is fine according to the videos, it looks usable and legible. However, what about other software? Will the web browser be customized in any way, to be usable with the touchscreen? What about the media player?
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    What Can We Expect At Launch, Software Wise?

    We know a lot about the Hardware, but software is still undecided. Angstrom will be used by default, but does anyone (specifically software devs) have any idea whether we'll see basic apps like a web browser, media player, etc out of the box? Or is this the job of the people who are getting MK2...
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    Are You Going To "show Off" Your Pandora?

    When you get your Pandora, do you think you'll "show it off" or show anyone? If you will do, how will you go about doing it? I'm going to go for a subtle "let the device speak for itself" approach. By that, I mean quietly start using it on public transport and see if anyone asks about it. I'm...