Your Favourite Source Of Pandora News?

Your favourite source of Pandora news?

  • The Official Blog/website only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Official Blog/website + Forums

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Forums only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unofficial Blog only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Unofficial Blog + Forums

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 31, 2008
Since we now have the unofficial blog up and running, what is your favourite source of Pandora news?

(Obviously my vote will be biased, since I started the unofficial blog, but anyway...)
Though I assume it falls under other, I would have liked to see an official email option.

Kind of surprised at the forums only though, since you really have to dwell here to enjoy it more then being able to get the news from the main website.
mazza558 said:
Since we now have the unofficial blog up and running, what is your favourite source of Pandora news?

(Obviously my vote will be biased, since I started the unofficial blog, but anyway...)
mazza558, if you were looking for some interesting stats, this poll is not going to provide them.
You should have had four poll options:

Official blog
Unofficial blog
Official forums

Instead of asking for people's favourite news source you've instead ending up asking 'which Pandora news sources do you like to use'. That is not the same question. Most people on these forums (i.e. the ones answering your poll) are hungry for any Pandora information they can get, and so will use any/all sources to get this info. I mean I'm so hungry for news I even started looking at info about Gumstix computers yesterday (they have similar processors to the Pandora), and I check out Beagleboard stuff too.

Something to bear in mind for the future mazza558. Thanks for making the unofficial blog, I check it nearly every day. :)
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I rarely check the official blog. First I got to the forums, look at recent posts in new threads, and then to the unofficial blog.
Senor Quack said:
Is it your goal to produce one stupid thread a day mazza?
I think you have confirmed yourself of being an ass(and i cba to find where you said something to gruso or mazza about that earlier

I prefer the Unofficial blog + forums, I like the consistency of updates, and people that remember to put things up are on the team :)
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Kloplop321 said:
Senor Quack said:
Is it your goal to produce one stupid thread a day mazza?
I think you have confirmed yourself of being an ass(and i cba to find where you said something to gruso or mazza about that earlier

I prefer the Unofficial blog + forums, I like the consistency of updates, and people that remember to put things up are on the team :)

Give me a break, it's drivel like this topic that buries interesting ones all the way to the bottom until nobody notices them anymore.
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I agree, it wouldn't have been that bad of a topic, if we didn't get inflated with similar ones. The unofficial blog is still a awesome though, so thanks for that man.
The unofficial blog is a really nice distillation of stuff from the forums (and other sources). Less information overload than the forums, more information than the official one.

That being said, nobody replying to this poll should be choosing any options that don't include "+ forums", should they? :P
Alex. said:
Kloplop321 said:
Senor Quack said:
Is it your goal to produce one stupid thread a day mazza?
I think you have confirmed yourself of being an ass(and i cba to find where you said something to gruso or mazza about that earlier

I prefer the Unofficial blog + forums, I like the consistency of updates, and people that remember to put things up are on the team :)

Give me a break, it's drivel like this topic that buries interesting ones all the way to the bottom until nobody notices them anymore.

Because I started 2 whole topics! That's going to seriously bury all the other interesting threads? Even the interesting threads fall off-topic after a while, once they've been answered by the developers. However, apologies for posting this at what would seem to be the wrong time - if nothing much was going on (e.g last week) it might have been a better time.
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I get my Fix from wherever I can - Forums/Blogs/YouTube

Anything to stop the pain of waiting for the Pandora

I think it is a good thing that people write their own blogs to promote the Pandora - it proves you doing your bit and getting the message to the masses - An publicity we do for the Pandora is done from the heart - comments 'Producing one stupid thread a day' are written by numpties.

We all want the Pandora to be a success some of us more than other (given that comment that is)

We all want to say we played our part .. so encourage not annoy or we will send the boys round .... :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

gp32_console + :gp2x and Soon a :pandora1:
I have the Pandora General talk + Developer forums open up in different firefox tabs when my browser first loads, I use Google Reader to get the news from the Unofficial blogs RSS feed and use the update scanner extension in Firefox to tell me when the official blogs been updated.

It's all pretty much hassle free, except for the fact that the forum doesn't seem to want to email me about my subscribed threads being updated and replied to any more :(

p.s I'll also have the Pandora video site open in a new tab once the units are released and user videos become more popular.
Tripmonkey_uk said:
It's all pretty much hassle free, except for the fact that the forum doesn't seem to want to email me about my subscribed threads being updated and replied to any more :(
The email function of the forum has been broken for quite some time. The mods don't get emails for reported posts either.
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