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  • Users: Michoko
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  1. Michoko

    USB Mass storage no longer working

    Hi, I was using USB mass storage with no problem until today. Yesterday, my Pandora fell on the floor (not a big shock though), while the mini USB cable was plugged. I carefully checked the Pandora, and it seemed fine. However, today, I can't have it detected by my Windows 7 PC any longer. I...
  2. Michoko

    Renaming Roms To A Simpler File Name

    Hi, I have a collection of Atari800 disk images, but all named under the TOSEC convention (which can be quite lengthy sometimes). In the Pandora Atari emus, most of them are truncated in a way or another in the menus, making the browsing and game selection quite difficult. Is there an utility...
  3. Michoko

    Disabling screen saver

    Hi, When playing videos using the great PanPlayer beta, the screen saver triggers on a regular basis. I'd like to disable it so I don't have to move the nubs when the screen goes blank. Could you please tell me how to do this? I checked the power management options, but I'm already on "Never"...
  4. Michoko

    Low volume output only on left side

    Hi! I'm often using my beloved Pandora with headphones. But if I set the volume too low (the headphones output is really loud), I only ear the sound in the left ear. Then when I increase the volume, I finally get sound in both ears. I suppose this is something related to the analogic nature of...
  5. Michoko

    Command for testing buttons

    Hi! Just received today my brand new Pandora, and I'm now discovering this strange but beautiful beast. My "A" button, like other people in those forums, in not great though, and I'm not sure it is actually working. I had read, some time ago, that there was an app provided with the OS that...
  6. Michoko

    Best Colecovision games

    Coleco was my first console ever. At this time, this console was a beast, and introduced me to the magical world of video games. ;) I was 11 at that time (yup, I'm getting old), and I still can remember how amazed I was in front of my TV screen. Here are some recommendations: - Cosmic...
  7. Michoko

    Best AtariXL Games

    Hi, Going on the trend of "Best of" threads for every system, I thought I could contribute with some lovely Atari XL titles. It was my first real computer, after playing for a while on my great Colecovision console. Here are some games I remember playing: - Ultima IV: Certainly one of the...
  8. Michoko

    Best Cross-Platform Lib?

    Hi, I've always loved to create my own games, and I'm currently developping homebrews on the Nintendo DS. It is quite fun, but the game design is rather specific to this platform due to the use of two screens. Now I'd like to commit to a new (2D only) project, with portability in mind. There...
  9. Michoko

    Dead Pixel Policy

    Hi! I've been reading those forums for a while, and I'm quite excited by the Open Pandora project! I'm almost ready to place a preorder at the end of the month, but I'm still concerned by a specific issue: possible dead pixels on the pandora screen. Yeah, I'm a maniac, I just can't stand dead...