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  1. Z

    Website dedicated to Pyra development

    This SDK is a great idea. I would no doubt be developing on the Pandora if setting everything up wasn't so difficult. For me it was not doable, having no prior experience of Linux or the language and libraries involved. So it would definitely be a perfect stepping stone for those of us who like...
  2. Z

    Beginner Linux questions

    It was vaguely related to getting SDL to work, I swear!!  :lol: Anyway, thanks for all the help. Chmod is what I was trying initially and for some reason didn't give me any results (I tried 666 and 777). The chown command, however, worked nicely. I'm not sure why it didn't come up while I was...
  3. Z

    Beginner Linux questions

    Do we happen to have a topic for beginner Linux questions? I know I could use one.. I've been googling furiously and trying out stuff, such as adding my user to the card's group and using chmod, but I can't for the life of me get my Pandora to give me write permissions on my SD card after...
  4. Z

    Pandora improved SDL for pandora

    This is the thing I'm using, and it does indeed say something about SDL being included. Writing #include <SDL.h> or any SDL commands in the code throws an error though, hence why I went on this whole installation adventure. Allright... Found the folder where I think I should copy the libraries...
  5. Z

    Pandora improved SDL for pandora

    ...not permitted configure: error: write failure creating ./config.status No makefile is produced, Inputting the "make"-command just gives me "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." Might this have something to do with how my pandora sometimes doesn't let me rename files...
  6. Z


    18. Still haven't got my Pandora but I'll be using it for playing DOS, Snes and Neo Geo games, web surfing and programming. My Favourite old games are UFO: enemy unkown, Chrono Trigger and SNK's Fighting games, and many computer RPGs, Both first person and isometric. I'm happy that I can enjoy...
  7. Z

    Local Multiplayer (Not Sure If Its The Right Term)

    A quick question: Will usb-hubs be supported, so that I could use more than two controllers? Because Secret of Mana :) ) Edit: I guess they will, judging from the wiki.
  8. Z

    New 3d App!

    These fools always get me all exited even though I know they aren't true : x
  9. Z

    Reordering Deadline

    Hi... I originally preordered my pandora when they first came available, and did it with a credit card. Later, I received the re-order e-mail saying that the credit card reorder site will be up soon. I answered to it that i want to pay with a credit card and i got this answer: QUOTE Hi, No...
  10. Z

    Pandora Panic! Needs You!, Artists, musicians & coders!

    I can do (average pixel-art or abysmal photoshop) graphics or some simple music. Whatever language you are using for this, it is highly unlikely that I know it. But the minigame-programmers are free to ask for any sort of music or graphics with a PM, and I'll try to make something up :)
  11. Z

    Pandora Wallpaper Thread.

    I don't seriously think that there are any other Turmion Kätilöt -fans on this board, but I made this for myself and decided to post it anyway. Pro-Photoshoopin'
  12. Z

    Super-duper Pandora Promotion to give to curious friends

    Eh, if my memory doesn't fail me, I remember Craig being all excited about 64Gig cards. So I'd believe that at least they will be usable.
  13. Z

    Release Neverwinter Nights

  14. Z

    How are you going to use your Pandora?

    I'll try to completely replace my computer with it (except for playing Team Fortress, maybe). -Irc, Instant messaging, web browsing, Playing MUDs. -Listening to music, Watching films and shows (Prison Break and Jericho at least :P) -Playing emulators (Nes,Snes,PSX) ,homebrew games and last but...
  15. Z

    Pandora Emulator Features ?

    I'm not so excited about netplay for the snes-emulator - all i need is the ability to plug in two usb gamepads.
  16. Z

    Decent Headphones For Pandora With Angled Jack For Under $40?

    I've two koss earphones (Sparkplugs and portapro) and both have broken down. Wouldn't recommend.
  17. Z

    Release Mod/midi tracker

    Mine too, but It's for NDS and closed source.
  18. Z

    Are you going to develop/port for the pandora?

    I've done some programming before in basic, but I'm sure I'll soon start learning C++... Then I'll start making games for pandora :)
  19. Z

    Pandora's Emulators (my list from the GP32x forums)

    Yeah, he was, but he stopped working on it, if I'm not completely mistaken :(
  20. Z

    Pandora Questions And Answers

    It has one of both, if I'm not completely mistaken. At least i recall a mini USB in the renders.