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  1. G

    Smoothness Of Vid Playback In 2.1.0?

    Is it possible to transfer the video player from FW 2.1.0 to 2.0? Because from what I've read one of the biggest improvements is probably only the video player, and I don't want to risk bricking my GP2X or getting problems with 2.1 over only 1 feature. If it is possible could someone upload...
  2. G

    Freezing em to the old batteries, put them next to each other. If they are the same size then check the battery connection terminals on the gp2x (or those metal things where you put the batteries ..errm I don't know the technical word for it lol) Those might be out of place or loose. You...
  3. G

    Pls Help A N00b In Need!!

    lol why would he want a gp2x emu, when there's a WORKING n64 emulator for the PC & Linux that runs Super Smash Bros. at a very good speed. And SSBros is way better than Smash GP. I think he thinks it's a ROM or perhaps he has no clue what he's talking about ;) (But he owns a gp2x) However, I...
  4. G

    Usb Issue With Firmware 2.1.0

    That eBay seller might of done something wrong. However, from what I hear Firmware 2.1.0 isn't that good. Keep Firmware 2.0 and use Gmenu2X, your GP2X will be a whole lot better B) And it doesn't edit the NAND, only the SD Card settings. So it doesn't damage your system. In the event that...
  5. G

    Does Someone Try?

    If you still wana play N64 games badly, then go to and download the Windows version of this emulator. Sure it's not your GP2X, but at least you can play those games on your PC at a very good speed. Project 64 is the best N64 emulator out there (For the pc of course, and to my best...
  6. G

    Pls Help A N00b In Need!!

    --- LOL gameboy pffft... --- Ok back to helping this guy out.,0,0,0,27,1582 If that's the file your talking about , #1 You DON'T need an emulator for it. #2 You need an SD card for it, and a USB cable to link the GP2X to your PC. #3 I hope you...
  7. G

    Dictionarys Or Translators

    It would be nice (and useful) to have a dictionary for the GP2X. I'm aware that on Qtopia you can do that, but it doesn't run right off the GP2X like a normal app. Some translators were made for the TI 92 Calc. so I'm assuming it shouldn't be too hard for the GP2X either. I can help with...
  8. G

    Proposed Wiki Update

    The Basilisk II emulator page also has to be updated. There's no guide on how to get it working. The NeoGeo section is still up to date, and I myself followed those instructions, and it worked great B) I also agree that the game section has to be updated, The G&W Fire Game is missing, as well...
  9. G

    GP2X Gp2x Zombies... Just In Time For Halloween?

    Looks like a good game :D There's a similar 1 already ported, it's called C-Dogs, they have this one level where there's zombies. However, this game looks more zombie oriented B)
  10. G

    Emulation Development And Gamepark?

    Well the it will never happen, in this case, is based on hardware facts, try emulating a Xbox 360 game on the GP2x :D However, I'm not a GP2X export or a gaming hardware expert at all, but perhaps the PSX emulator can get almost every game at a playable rate with the loss of sound, and...
  11. G

    Commercial Games Value

    It depends, if your into GTA like stuff than Pay Back, if your looking for some fun arcade action then go for Vektar. :D
  12. G


    According to the utility on the archive mine can go up to 290 MHZ. :) Some guy on the gp2x site said he bought the 275 MHZ version and his unit went up to 400 MHZ ;) However, that same guy also asked why he couldn't "install" more things on the gp2x, turns out his SD card was full, so I...
  13. G

    Tv Out Cable Alternatives

    Seems only the official 1 works for now ( I pmed the poster of the "suggested" cables), oh well I'll have to buy the official + extension cable as well. However, he said with modifications the other ones could work, but it's not worth it for amateurs, plus the cable + extension doesn't total...
  14. G

    Question About Overclocking

    Yeah for Max Performance 266 MHZ is usually the standard, for example in NeoGeo games, at 266 you can run almost every game at full speed with sound. Without sound at 200 you can many without sound, with sound you need around 220 + However, for other consoles 200 is fine, so it depends. And on...
  15. G

    New Vba-r Version

    running great with GMenu2x , I had to remove the spaces from the ROM name, I should of read earlier posts. Oh well, it's working now :D A quick question, does anyone know if this consumes more battery than the NES emulator?
  16. G

    Grandtheftendo Dead?

    I'm well aware of Payback, however, it's not free, AND although it's a GTA clone, it's not really based on GTA. Only the style is, while this NES Remake is more GTA oriented, and it's a "new" version of the GTA series, NES Style :P
  17. G

    Streetfighter 3 On Gp2x

    To change your username ask an Admin, or even a moderator, but I think only the Admins can change your username without your deleting your account.
  18. G

    Streetfighter 3 On Gp2x

    Good luck with your projects! BTW is Salvaria going to be free? It looks very promising, and could be a good graphical RPG for the GP2X.
  19. G

    Grandtheftendo Dead?

    Does anyone know what happend to the NES remake of the GTA series (GrandTheftEndo)? The site is not working at the moment, hopefully the project is still alive, and they are just facing some minor setbacks. It would be sweet to play that ROM on the GP2X :D Here's a screenshot of it...
  20. G

    Emulation Development And Gamepark?

    That's a good point, but they probably can't do it officially, they would have to do it with that backdoor method your talking about. If they officially promoted it with their console, Sony would probably close them down as well. However I have to admit, what we have already was good enough to...