Uhmm...well, it's exactly on the same site as the source, that klapse managed to find.
I prefer the repo too, but that's not really an excuse or a reason.
That's awesome and all. But why are you guys not just using the existing .pnd?
GMU is my favourite music-player on my Pandora.
Well, on Pandebian my navit.xml was located in /etc/navit/ but this is not correct for a .pnd port.
I'm sure Wizardstan should know where to put it best.
I just checked, Line 380 is exactly the line you need to change to point to your map file.
This page should explain...
What do you mean with "illegal stuff" ? I don't see how Drastic does anything illegal. Are Snes, Nes, C64 and whatnot emulators doing anything illegal in your opinion?
DAP, try using my XML file as a basis. It has some useful controls. I didn't test it yet with this port but it should work the same.
Zoom in and out can be used by buttons if you add them, they may be possibly allready in my XML, not sure anymore.
Do I need to use the Forum Search for you porg? Well, I did and found a lot of old posts with this information. For example this one: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/425-small-wifi-fix/?hl=%2Biwconfig+%2Bwlan0+%2Bpower+%2Boff#entry7261
(That's from 2010, just so you know.)
Fun Fact:
1. This is no news and has been known here for quite a long time.
2. There are still other things that make the wifi of many pandoras slow even with powersaving turned off. (Consider yourself lucky!)
EDIT: Also stop spamming all the old Wifi Threads with this!
The problem is not with the search of those short strings. It's the indexing. As you may not realize, most search engines index the possible strings beforehand. This costs a lot of time to do (no big problem since this needs to be done only once) and it needs to be stored. Imagin storing every...
Same SOC? What are you talking about? The Raspberry Pi is using an ARMv6 Processor while we have an ARMv7. The only likeness to a Pi is that both are using an ARM Processor. Also the DSP chips are totally different chips.
EDIT: Oh I think I know. You most propably mixed up the Raspberry Pi...
Nah, I don't think that I still have this installed on a card anymore. It's pretty simple, just compile Navit and install gpsd and then you are good to go. There are many tutorials on the web, maybe someone can even make a pnd.
I was allready navigating around germany with the help of navit (through pandebian, uses openstreetmaps) and a bluetooth gps thingy.
Worked pretty well for me.
Small question notaz: Is the logic the charge chip does fixed or is it programmable? If it is programmable, wouldn't this be a possibility to try to fix it for us?!
Most (I would even bet all) N64-Emulators for the other arm-based machines are using "our" improvements to mupen64plus. It still is the best open-source N64-Emulator avaiable. If you wan't to complain, try to improve the situation yourself first.
EDIT: mcobit beat me to it.
Had this bug too in a little game I wrote. The fix is relatively easy:
If we are using a touchscreen we need to grab the mousecoords again when a click-event happens before everything else.
The reason is that else we have x,y, of the ball for example stored and then a click-event triggers...
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