ODROID-XU - Exynos5 Octa big.LITTLE arm board for $149

Just slap on a 5" screen and keyboard and boom! we have a P2, if notaz and OPT are willing to make SuperZaxxon run on it that is  :D
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ShleeDragon, when you get it, would you mind testing it without the fan? I wonder how important it actually is. Maybe if the CPU was underclocked, the fan wouldnt be necessary. then this would be great for the P2
ShleeDragon, when you get it, would you mind testing it without the fan? I wonder how important it actually is. Maybe if the CPU was underclocked, the fan wouldnt be necessary. then this would be great for the P2
You want him to open it up and remove the fan then risk damaging it because it's running outside of its thermal spec.. are you insane?
ShleeDragon, when you get it, would you mind testing it without the fan? I wonder how important it actually is. Maybe if the CPU was underclocked, the fan wouldnt be necessary. then this would be great for the P2
You want him to open it up and remove the fan then risk damaging it because it's running outside of its thermal spec.. are you insane?
So insane that it just might work. If someone ports Super Zaxxon to it, I'll buy one and take the fan out myself (at least once I know how to underclock it - dont want to run it too hard)
So insane that it just might work. If someone ports Super Zaxxon to it, I'll buy one and take the fan out myself (at least once I know how to underclock it - dont want to run it too hard)
Well it's your money. I hope it has good thermal emergency shutdown.
Well it's your money. I hope it has good thermal emergency shutdown.
Maybe use an thermo sensor, a micro controller and a electrical jack which can be shut down via i2c or usb oder something? But I think when the manufacturer wants a fan in a normal case, it won't work in a pandora case (less air, lots of parts next to each other like wifi [which is hot itself]). Not sure with underclocking but I guess it won't make the soc cool enough.
What !!,  I posted this days ago and no one responded :( .

Perhaps a mod can merge the following thread:  http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/13902-odroid-with-exynos-5-octa-149/

On a different note, as I said in the other thread , this SOC had a lot of rumors of over heating issues.  My guess is that is why the performance was terrible in the GS4 -> Thermal Throttling.   Exynos don't exactly have a good name when it comes to heating issues, even the dual core Exynos used in the Cotton Candy ended up killing the thing.  They tried for ages to fix the over heating but couldn't.

This is why everytime someone mentions using an Exynos, I kind of cringe.
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If I ponied up and bought the +e version. I could have offered realtime temp/voltage information too ;)

Well at least I can confirm it's a hot pile of crap :)

That said, is there a single A15 that is reporting as decent thermal performance?
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^ Wait, what's so bad about it?
If it requires a fan like displayed in the link, it most likely runs too hot for a mobile applications. Also most likely would need a huge battery for power consumption.
Can dreamcast, gamecube, and ps2 run on this thing well?
I doubt there will be any viable mobile solution for PS2 emulation for sometime.
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A P2 with a huge fan though and a terrible size...
As the future of P2 is uncertain and perhaps I will be too old and shaky to play games when it comes out, who knows if AssoAir is right this looks small and thin enough.  You just buy the boards, get rid of the fan, stick on the 5" screen, slap on the keyboard and gaming controls and buttons, installed SuperZaxxon, and call this Pandora 1.5  :D   I would gladly upgrade my P1 to P1.5




Edit:  Oh!  And don't forget the aluminum case  :D
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How much power does it draw? It would be ideal if I could use it as a Image processor in a robotics application.