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  1. Klaue

    Derail this thread

    You would do us all a favor if you would STOP posting useless shit. Don't you have some school work to do? In every other forum I am in you would be banned til now. Oh, by the way, you can't off-topic something that has no topic.
  2. Klaue

    SD card appdata issue?

    you're welcome, but why late? ;)
  3. Klaue

    SD card appdata issue?

    You can use this script: #!/bin/bash find /path/to/your/appdata -name .aufs.xino -exec rm '{}' \;
  4. Klaue

    Retro Offline Tournament launched! Sign up and get playing now!

    So.. what would keep anyone from just submitting a score of 10 billion, wheter he really did it or not? I mean, screenshots, esp. of retro games, can easely be edited to increase the score.
  5. Klaue

    A world without ad's

    It wouldn't really surprise me if it was real, but to be fair, all we know about the autor is the statement that he's "a former 'game journalist'" - there's no way to tell if this isn't just bullshit.
  6. Klaue

    I am unhappy with my web design assignment

    Yeah well.. I would do the same thing if I was a web design teacher ;) Everyone can play around with Dreamweaver, the important thing is to really know wtf you're doing :)
  7. Klaue

    PND_RUN.SH command line problem

    try "'/media/SDHC/roms/snes/ActRaiser 2.smc'" (since the backslash inside single quotes will probably not work) or "/media/SDHC/roms/snes/ActRaiser\\ 2.smc" (I doubt this will work, but it's worth a try - the reason behind it is that the "\ " could be eaten by the command line and...
  8. Klaue

    A world without ad's

    That is indeed a legitimate issue that I diddn't think about. Or rather, I diddn't think about while writing the post, but I did think about it in length before ;) While your example with the weapons manufacturer is (probably) made up, that kind of stuff allready happened. The cases I know...
  9. Klaue

    Another new machine...

    Ow. I like biometric stuff about as much as I like DRM. Oh, by the way, the hardware is 100% open? Do I smell bullshit here? If even one chip it uses is not open, then that is just a lie. Not even the Pandora has 100% open hardware.
  10. Klaue

    To whoever tried to recover my password....

    This thread is now about cheese.
  11. Klaue

    looking for help on project

    Well, most of the time when someone uses AJAX, there's no need for it. Just look at the internet, about all of the big sites that also existed some years ago do very well without it. I mean, wikipedia could load their articles using ajax and just leave the "frame" static, but that wouldn't make...
  12. Klaue

    looking for help on project

    please only use JS for eye candy and not basic usage. text browser- and noscript-users will thank you.
  13. Klaue

    A world without ad's

    I see ads as a neccessary evil. Sure, web-hosting is cheap today, but some people would like to earn something for what they provide. Others have other problems with it - I for example made some niche programs (nothing that would be of interest for the people here) and put them on the internet...
  14. Klaue

    Can't unmount SD-cards

    and when it has, you can use my post up there to figure out who locked it :)
  15. Klaue

    pnds acting up not using appdata

    maybe both combined? I can't test it, so..
  16. Klaue

    pnds acting up not using appdata

    I just noticed how long I diddn't do any bash, but from what I understand of it, a workaround (until there's a fix) would be to set $APPDATASET to 1 because then the check for the mount point doesn't run export APPDATASET=1; sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p...
  17. Klaue

    pnds acting up not using appdata

    I'd say, open, search for the echo with "Mounting the Union FS" and then backtrack to find out how the dir is selected (probably just an env war, maybe even $APPDATA, but I couldn't find the source for pnd_run and don't have my panda yet)
  18. Klaue


  19. Klaue

    PXML specification

    Going to gp32x has the additional plus of me not being there to go on your nerves :P
  20. Klaue

    PXML specification

    I diddn't want to say any more about the version tag, but still.. why would you reserve a 4-part version number to the PND, which is nothing more than a wrapper? it would be reset to as soon as the application updates (because it's the first PND of that app - if it wouldn't reset, it...