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  1. Klaue


    Slow loading and the update nagging, OK, can understand that. But what do you have against the libs and the language itself? Exemplify please you can't really compare the two. JS is a scripting language that has nothing in common with java beside the name. Java may not have anonymous...
  2. Klaue

    The Software Suggestion Thread

    Well, there are millions of TD flash games, so as soon as flash runs, they should run too :)
  3. Klaue

    The Software Suggestion Thread

    Hey there I occasionally get ideas on programs that would be great to have on the pandora. Not allready existing programs that should be ported, mind you, but new stuff. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. So I thought, why not make a thread to collect such ideas just in case a dev gets...
  4. Klaue

    Apple Event

    that.. that.. here, apple, have a medal: (I waited more than two months to post this somewhere where it is on-topic! I can finally close the tab! yeah!)
  5. Klaue

    Wrist mount Pandora

    I think that are old-man-cheeks. But yes, the pic does weird me out a bit, it looks so.. eww
  6. Klaue

    Updater for PNDs?

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I diddn't mean direct access to the DB. While possible by making an account with only read rights, I never like having anything directly accessing the DB. One reason is security. A new MySQL bug and even read access could turn out to be bad, but that's probably just me...
  7. Klaue

    Origin of name 'Pandora'

    Pandora's box was in the original not a box, but a pythos, a huge storage jar (sometimes as large as a human). I'm just happy the Pandora diddn't turn out to be that big :) Yeah, it really gets on the nerves to have to hit ctrl-z everytime to revert the auto"correction" - especially when you...
  8. Klaue

    games developement
  9. Klaue

    Wrist mount Pandora

    You sure of that? :D
  10. Klaue

    games developement

    I took the number out of the code analyzing tool SLOCCOUNT because I was too lazy to search for median salary :) Still, it will amount to quite a sum because software development usually takes a long time. that's what I meant with the second part of my post - better let them build a game...
  11. Klaue

    netbooks are better than the pandora?!?

    Thanks :) It just always weirds me out a bit because as a german speaker, "lainacks" (your "line ucks") sounds so wrong Just imagine all germans calling it kompooter instead of computer, then you know what I mean :) Btw, my first successfull thread hijack and it wasn't even intentional...
  12. Klaue

    Suggested format for (big) SDHC?

    Eww :mellow: And we would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that meddling OS! *shakes fist*
  13. Klaue

    netbooks are better than the pandora?!?

    This is totally off-topic, but why can't english speakers pronounce linux? 'li' is pronounced with a short [ee] sound: compare prInt, mInImal etc. 'nux' is also short, non-diphtong, like in pUt. It's partly due to minix: linux was just my...
  14. Klaue

    Pandora Vs. The Hard Sell

    They were about to start mass-producing several times over the past months now :P
  15. Klaue

    games developement

    KHAAAAAAAAAN! Usual salary of a progger is 50$/hour Developing a game that is a bit more sophisticated than pacman easely takes 1000 man hours, probably more (sure, that depends on what game it is, arcade style shooters are done faster than story-heavy RPGs) Ignoring graphic artists, song...
  16. Klaue

    Updater for PNDs?

    Why work over PND? I mean, case one, a database reachable trough http: pnd-update -> http request to server -> server generating output from DB (JSON or XML) -> parse response. Case two, using PNDs: pnd-update -> http-request to server -> server collecting data to ram (instead of just writing...
  17. Klaue

    Suggested format for (big) SDHC?

    Couldn't you just make two partitions on it, a small one in FAT32 for data sharing and a big one in ext3? Sure, you couldn't share files bigger than 4 GB (4 GB - 1 Byte to be exact), but you'd have no problems sharing while still using a native file system for your games. Or does the pandora...
  18. Klaue

    Round 4. Fight! (2010-10-12) you can even wear that one!
  19. Klaue

    General interest: What field of work are you in?

    Software Dev (formerly C++, now Java)
  20. Klaue

    Updater for PNDs?

    Yeah, modifying apt would be way too much work. And after the answer from ED, I assumed a list of packages with their Version would allready exist. Just one thing I wondered.. One might have to make an additional entry in the PXML. Assume you make a PND for, I dunno, GIMP. The Version-Tag...