There is some confusion between the GPL and the LGPL.
To simplify it:
If you use the GPL, any changes you make have to be released under that license. You also cannot make any proprietary software depending on it (if it's a library, for example) without releasing it under the GPL.
If you use the...
The LGPL allows you to do whatever if you want with the code if that's what you asking.
You are not obliged to release modifications under the same license, so you can make whatever changes you want and fork it without having to release the source.
Maybe I misunderstood you, in which case I...
aMSN will work without any problems.
I believe it doesn't need recompiling, since it uses a script language, but if it does, there's an ARM deb package for it.
Just use EXT3 for the recovery part. It shouldn't be hard to create an image of the SD card with the proper recovery files for the Pandora and create something like dd for windows.
The OpenPandora team will most likely be unable to give you information about taxes. You should Google this kind of information or, even better, check your country laws regarding import taxes.
Just copy the proper .so file from a Nokia Internet Tablet or Archos with proper flash support and voilà (the files can't be distributed though, so you have to do it yourself).
If someone made a specific PowerPC emulator for arm, the similarity between the two processors is probably exploitable.
And, about WC2, that's already playable through DOSbox.
Any physical distribution method would be pointless and costly.
Besides, all of these protection systems can easilly be bypassed. Instead of worrying about so much crap and enraging users with DRM systems, it would be better for commercial developers to just focus on good software and use only...
You can't really expect a device the size of a pandora to have a keyboard anywhere as good as mechanical keyboards or even standard rubber dome keyboards. I don't think it would be wise to do anything other than thumb (or any two fingers) typing with the Panda's keyboard as it would be too small...
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