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  1. Etinin

    Happy Birthday, First Day Orderers!

    Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 7:41 (UTC)
  2. Etinin


    I got lucky because I paid with American Express and, despite the huge problem, the OP team got the money in the end. One of my friends was interested in buying the Pandora and also had the same issue of not being able to pay with a credit card.
  3. Etinin

    Surely The Case Moulds Should Be Done By Now ?

    The PCB is manufactured in the USA.
  4. Etinin

    Pandora On Pandora?

    I will have Flash 9 support stolen from Maemo since launch day. Already have the .so file in a safe place for when the Panda arrives.
  5. Etinin

    Psp Emulator?

    I love to see estimates from people which have no basis for their statements.
  6. Etinin

    Use As Keyboard For Pc?

    There's no software for that, but, as it's been mentioned before, shouldn't be that hard for someone to write a program/driver to do that.
  7. Etinin

    New Video From Mweston

    It's exactly the same processor. They just raised the specs, since all chips can run at that speed.
  8. Etinin

    Snes Emu On N900

    Everything that runs on the N900 should be binary-compatible with the Pandora (maybe you'll need to copy one or two libraries from Maemo, but that should be all).
  9. Etinin

    I Think I've Went Insane.

    I believe we will soon have a religion based around the Pandora. The Pandora is just too awesome.
  10. Etinin

    Is It Possible To Use Skype On Pandora?

    Not a chance? You're kidding, right? I just remembered have a third party skype client on my cell phone (fring) and it's open source...
  11. Etinin

    Is It Possible To Use Skype On Pandora?

    You could always grab Skype off some Nokia tablet firmware. Else, you will have to use some third party Skype client (IDK if one is available).
  12. Etinin

    By The End Of The Year?

    I suspect nothing has happened, else Craig would probably have posted in order to calm us down.
  13. Etinin

    "i'm Going To Have A Great Time Starting School With My Pandor

    I originally intended to use it in the beginning of this year, and then by the middle of this year. But since it has not arrived yet, I will just use it by the beginning of next year. I suspect it will be quite useful to me.
  14. Etinin

    Mweston Posted A New Video

    We have seen that already. Craig did that if I'm not mistaken.
  15. Etinin

    A/v Cables Have Arrived!

    Why do some people keep arguing without having facts? As Squidge said, the cable itself should have a very small delay. The analog output is handled by the OMAP itself, not by any electronics made by MWeston, if I'm not mistaken, and there's no reason why it would buffer anything.
  16. Etinin

    Instruction Manuel

    People which REALLY need a manual shouldn't be purchasing a Pandora in the first place. It's not like you will need to enter evil commands or go through a cryptic interface in order to do anything. Besides, it's very likely someone will make some kind of manual and howtos in order to help newbies.
  17. Etinin

    Game Cube Emulator Possible?

    I never tried it, but my father said emulating a N64 was a very bad experience on a PII. I, on the other hand, managed to do it successfully with my P3 Coppermine 1000MHz
  18. Etinin

    Programming With The Pandora

    Writing code on the go sounds like a great way of passing time.
  19. Etinin

    Another Friday, Can We Get An Update?

    At least a post from Craig to let us know everything is going on nicely would be appreciated.
  20. Etinin

    Shipping Package

    Only idiots buy something because of the box. Pandora's audience generally will not care about boxes.