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  1. D

    Emulators On A Gp2X F300

    if i were you i would ask at the wiz forum, i think the F300 has more to do with the wiz than the F1/200
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    Improving Emulators For The Gp2X F200 Please

    Please prove me worng then, i'd be very happy if you can ^_^ OH THANKS, i didn't know it had a linux port, last time i cheked it was windows only
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    Improving Emulators For The Gp2X F200 Please

    as everyone said, it's not like everyone left their gp2x as if they never existed. Maybe you think so because you weren't "here" when notaz released and asked for bug for picoDrive 1.56 some months ago. The thing is that there isn't much you can do more than what already can with this hardware...
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    Emulators On A Gp2X F300

    wasn't the F300 a Wiz Within a black F200 case?
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    Anyone Else Have A Sound Problem After Using Greader2X?

    this also happen some times when you start lemonBoy, some times the audio just lags and the emu gives you 32FPS instead of 60(fixeable using soft reset), and some times, the same as above, no sound and when you close lemonboy, hard freezes before gmenu loads.
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    About The Usb (The Mini One) With Open2X

    better explanation ;) GP2X >>> ISO or RAW image >>>> USB >>>>> Emulate CD-Rom Drive >>>>> PC (detects it as a USB CD-Rom drive with a CD inside (the image you selected)) same >>> Dump of a HDD (sda,sda full dump including mbr and all) >>> USB >>> emulate hard disk >>>> PC (detects it as a hard...
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    About The Usb (The Mini One) With Open2X

    well i just remebered the idea that i saw on the pandora forum about using the pandora USB OTG port to emulate a CDVD-ROM drive or a hard drive. i thought that if anyone made the kernel module, it could be easily ported to or from the pandora, or even work together to have both the GP2X FX00 and...
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    Using A Psp Battery In Gp2X

    that's so awesome, that my english language knowledge is not enough to decribe what i feel xD anyway, would you make a step-by-step how to if everything goes well? i'd love to do that to my F200. more now that my two AA are dieing. oh, and how do you recharge the psp batery?, is the charging...
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    Gp2X-F200 Disassembly Guide

    just to be sure. even though you recalibrated it (you did, didn't you?) the touch screen still doesn't point to where you touch? if that's the problem, you have the same problem as me. it's not fixeable. use fpaint in f200 mode and make a line by the edges of the screen, save the image and put...
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    Been A Long Time...firmware Suggestion?

    Open2X is more "official" than the official firmware......and works better. but why do you care about it having the official firmware when the F100/200 were discontinued. There isn't going to be anything new that be official. the lastest official firmware is 4.1.1, that fixes some bugs...
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    Ebay Scam

    why did you delete your posts? i wanted to read them :(
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    Which One Do You Prefer

    F200 because of the dpad :P
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    Gmu Music Player 0.7.0_Beta7

    oldPlay uses timidity to play midi files. and as for psf nsf and those they are consoles sound formats.....well more like a "emulated console sound system", as far as i know about them, they are a "part" and some data ripped from the actual binarie. so u need to emulate the sound core, and some...
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    Gmu Music Player 0.7.0_Beta7

    would it be posible to add support to more formats, like OldPlay? like midi, psf, nsf, vgz, mod, and the likes (i use OldPlay because of that. :P )
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    Where Can I Download The Bios For Gpsp

    if you still have problems finding it look for the crc of the bios, thats how i found the correct one that gpsp sugested (if you put the wrong one gpsp tells you that the crc doesn't match, and shows you the correct crc)
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    Pandora As Virtual Usb Drive

    Well, this idea was somewhere here in the forum but it was inside a topic that didn't had anything to do with it. Will this be done? i mean if this is not official, at least anyone is willing on doing this? My idea would be: - a menu when the usb (slave) is conected here u can choose if use...
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    Powergenix Rechargable Nizn 1.6V Aa Cells.

    maybe 3.2v is too much in the baterry input,don't know if there's any diference in the voltage circuit between the AC adaptor hole and the battery slots. I can't find them here so we'll have to wait till someone try them
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    Bob Or Jtag Wanted

    in my case a have the cradle and a parallel DB-25 M<->M in case i need to use the jtag. If you can't find or make that cable, you could try my way :P plus yo have the serial to, so jtag and serial console in one thing,
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    How's The Weather Where You Are?

    18°C here in Buenos Aires (Argentina), and a little cloudy ;) btw, am i the only one from south america who want a pandora? come on anyone else? =(
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    Gp2X Prototype Space Shooter Demo

    pity it's just a demo. i would have loved to play something like that. Maybe wanna try making a space shooter engine? Using vertorial graphics for sprites and textures, i mean, making an antialiased temporal image in memory for the sprite, prerendered from a vectorial graphic, would only add...