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  1. D

    Linux: What`s yours called

    tl : dr for me : GNU = Idea behind the OS based in the linux kernel (freeBSD and others not included) Linux = Kernel Ubuntu = The "personal" name of that OS based on the GNU idea. Windows = both, because windows is both the OS's name and the kernel itself Windows XP uses WinNT v5.x Kernel...
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    Have You Ever Contributed In Free Software Development?

    i don't understand why people keeps on thinking that "free software" is free as free beer instead of freedom, when "freeware" is free software as in free beer....(and english isn't my native languaje u know...) i say "GNU with linux" as kami-sama (Richard) demands. :rolleyes: /joke I think...
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    Case Finish?

    can i has mine with "transparent" paint? :D
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    Pandora - Obsolete?

    the playstation 3 and the xbox360 are obsolete shit, just buy a hexacore i7 with 24GB of ram, 4 HD5890 in crossfire, 2 wireless joysticks, a bloogay drive, and you have something way more powerfull than those consoles. /not sarcasm seriously. my Prescott 3GHz HT with 4GB of DDR RAM has been my...
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    How About The 720Mhz Omap For The Second Batch?

    thanks craigx, best answer of all :D PS: i still don't get why som e people complain that the would feel cheated, when i'm saying that if EVERY first batch pandora reach 720mhz, op team could use the 720 version for the second batch so we can have 720MHz AS A BASE SPEED for programs. and i mean...
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    How About The 720Mhz Omap For The Second Batch?

    what i meant was, if (omap600->speed >720) { pandora->cpu = "omap720";} else{ pandora->cpu = "omap600";} is it clear now? :D the 720 mhz omap is the exact same chip as the 600mhz one, LIKE WITH ANY X86 CPU they just change 1 byte inside the cpu to unlock the multiplier and charge you $799...
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    The Wifi Problem Will Be Found To Be Caused By:

    so at the end noone won xD
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    How About The 720Mhz Omap For The Second Batch?

    well just an idea, how about testing the units to see of they reach 720MHz stable? it isn't time consuming like finding the maximum clock speed they could reach, just set it to 725, run some program like super pi, or prime to test stability 1 minute and that's all. if any pandora doesn't reach...
  9. D

    Overclocking The Omap

    as with the gp2x, some would reach only 220MHz and some lucky ones would reach 300 MHz, as far a i know the pandora's cpu overclock isn't limited because of the memory chip. In my case my gp2x only reaches 260MHz stable, but if i set the memory divider to 2, i can reach 280MHz stable. So if...
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    Overclocking The Omap

    lol sorry didn't know that it was ajustable via software, i was already thinking that i would had to solder an ajustable resistor or something to overclock more like i did with my hd 4670 to reach 860mhz ^^
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    Overclocking The Omap

    nah not in my life i have ever returned something that i broke :P uping the voltage just a little when needed wont hurt. decreasing it (undervolt) to de minimum stable posible was my main idea if i can keep the omap at low frequencies with low voltage then both the battery and the chip will...
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    Pandora Wi-Fi On 350kilobytes/s

    why noy just put a FTP server on the local network and access it via wifi, i assume he's a wireless router
  13. D

    Pandora Wi-Fi On 350kilobytes/s

    so Michael is VOLTMODDING THE PANDORA!!!!! :rolleyes: (or what ws that resistor for if not for the chipset voltage?)
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    Overclocking The Omap

    just some questions: 1) is it posible to voltmod the omap to reach higher clock speed? 2) anyway to do it via software o it has to be done in hardware? 3) is it posibble to overcloock the memory like the gp2x, i mean latecies, speed, divider, etc? i would like to heard some technical...
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    32X Progress

    sorry to disapoint you but notaz is working on the pandora kernel and you know what? too late, he already finished the pandora port of picoDrive. And no, i don't think he won't support the pandora's users just because you don't like it.
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    Gmu Music Player 0.7.0

    have you added support for those formats i told you about? if not, are you planing to add them to 0.8.0 or 0.9.0? :D EDIT: i didn't see that in the release notes
  17. D

    Any Way To Change Resolution?

    actualy 400x240 would be usefull for games that are a little too heavy for the pandora, so running in lower resolution could reduce the load on the cpu or gpu, so as to get some extra FPS
  18. D

    32X Progress

    hey notaz i have a graet idea for you. Could you add a "custom frame limit" option that work independently from the region code? The idea is to be able to play let's say Sonic at 120FPS also some PAL games work like in slow-motion at 50, even the music sounds SSSSSSLLLLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWW, so being...
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    The 105 Boards Testing...

    will be able to get a copy of the testing software? maybe it can be used to test the hardware when something doesn't work and you're not sure if it's the firmware that got corrupted or it the hardware broke. You save yourself a firmware flashing, configurations, etc and by the way you know what...
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    The 105 Boards Testing...

    just out of curiosity, i read in the road map that 103 of 105 board passed the stability test. the question is about the two that didn't pass. What happened to/with does boards? what were the problems, what program did you use to test the boards, and what was tested?