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  1. D

    Lcd Or Tv-Out? - Which One Your Use The Most?

    maybe she uses it to play educative videos
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    Lcd Or Tv-Out? - Which One Your Use The Most?

    pardon, my mistake. It was only with lemonboy, and GameBoy games aren't PAL or NTSC, they just run at 60FPS but with TV mode in PAL even overclocking to 260 it won't go further than 50FPS and the music plays SLOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW
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    Lcd Or Tv-Out? - Which One Your Use The Most?

    i always use the LCD. I have the TV cable but only use it in special ocations, like watching a movie or showing off XD the tv-out is fine but it's like 80% compatible with games, plus it has some weird things about FPS. in PAL the nes emulator and other programs work only at 50FPS and u can't...
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    Technical Question About The Power Circuit

    i read the Uboot code a little and it think that LARGE DRAW problem you say is because the Uboot Initialices the GP2X at 120MHz (i can be totaly wrong but that what i think i read in the source code) and then switchs to 200Mhz to load the kernel. But i don't think that's what generates such a...
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    Technical Question About The Power Circuit

    It would have been cheaper and better to pay you to make the firmware XD It was like only one person was working on the firmware, when he wanted and had time and didn't even care whatever it was..... maybe most of the random bugs are because the Uboot, booting diferent each time (at least for...
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    Technical Question About The Power Circuit

    Talking about reliability, made me remember about how random the gp2x is at boot, some times faster, some times slower and some times the boot up sound will play at double speed and then continues reading trash from the next memory area. That can't be a sign of a good hardware design The other...
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    Open2X Liquido Skin

    Yes, i meant what Gruso said i didn't thought about that, but now that you say it, it's also a good idea :D It should make a copy in the nand so it will load the wallpaper even without SD card, or make it load the skin's default one in case it doesn't find the file (aka no sd)
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    Technical Question About The Power Circuit

    so, GPH should have thought about that and do something to prevent or at least lessen it....(if posible) btw, does the GBA or PSP suffer from the same problem? i knew about the initial power surges, but didn't know that it afected so much things that worked on batteries, maybe that's why they...
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    Technical Question About The Power Circuit

    Well just curiosity, what is what actualy happens that i see so many gp2x F100 and F200 having problems running from battries and then from the power adaptor after 2 or 3 years of use? My computer has been running 24/7 since 2004 and it still works. Is it normal for those components to fail...
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    Open2X Liquido Skin

    that'd be awesome. i suppose that wallpapers will load from the sd card too independently of the skins in use in future versions of open2x, (./.open2x_gmenu2x/wallpapers) so that anyone can create one without having to copy it to the nand memory. BTW, vista.jpg doesn't work well, it bugs the...
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    Broken Gp2X Diagnostics

    hope your gp2x gets better ^_^
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    Batteries Drained In Minutes

    *sob* *sob* GP2X F100 was stolen..... (starts crying) ^^U 1) are the bateries, NEW? 2) that peperclip trick is for when the the AC power adaptor hole gets blocked or doesn't do good contact so, more resistance = less baterry time = dies earlier 3)if it's not that then i've no idea. maybe...
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    Dead F100 & Cracked Screen On F200... What Could I Do?

    keep everything that could be used as spare part. maybe you could sell those parts to someone that has a f100 with a broken lcd and a bricked f200 :D
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    Need Screenshots Of Fce And Alexkidd2X With Fullscreen Scaling

    yes, the output is 256x240 for hw, but as it is nearest neighbor i did it with gimp, 256x240 => 320x240 but it looks exactly the same as the real output
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    Need Screenshots Of Fce And Alexkidd2X With Fullscreen Scaling

    no the thing is that when you take the screenshot the game lags a little but it works at 60/60 all the time at 230MHz with software and 150 with hardware. In hardware it looks worse because it uses nearest neigborg for scaling. Comparison screenshots...
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    Need Screenshots Of Fce And Alexkidd2X With Fullscreen Scaling

    i only hace fce so here are some megaman 3 endless screenshots with software fullscreen scalling the screenshots are in native resolution (aka 320x240) and are taken from the actual gp2x with gshot, so they are very accurate
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    Run Gp2X Off 4 Aa Batteries

    if you do it, please post a picture of your work. I wanted to do the same but i don't know how to make it look "original", so maybe your works gives me an idea :D
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    GP2X Psx4all Src?

    any progress on this? :)
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    Change In Mhz Ratings..

    i was thinking, why not make a program to test the maximum overclock of each pandora, and and then advertise them with the lesser value ?
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    Change In Mhz Ratings..

    well that would be 5 years only if you played 24 hours a day for 5 years. if you play, let's think like as in primary school, 8 hours a day, and that's a lot, the pandora would last 15 years. By that time you'll sure have the pandora 2 :D