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  1. D

    Power Supply Heats Up My Gp2X

    no idea, but check if the contact is clean. i don't thinks that's the cause with such low currents but who knows.... (if it's this, then the plug should be warm, check that after if got hot) you sure you psu gives clean 3,3V? is it regulated? i'm not sure but for what i've read from others...
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    F100 Charger Recommendations?

    as far as i know the batteries cirtuit is isolated when u plug the ac adaptor. so u would have to mod it to be able to charge and play at the same time. but, as far as i know ni-mh bateries are chraged with higher voltage and and pulsating current to avoid internal cristalization. so it's...
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    F100 Charger Recommendations?

    i use the 4AA/AAA energizer batteriy charger, which charges at 360mAh, I use one of those chine timers and set it to 5 hours to charge my 2000mAh sony cycleenergy(s) don't have problem at all.
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    Coming Soon: Low-Level Library

    wow looks awesome, the only thing missing is hw accelerated video decoding and audio processing ussiong the second core liek the snes emu or is that included in the dual cpu programming item? anyway can't wait to put my hands on it :P
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    No Battery Indication In Open2X Dr7?

    no, the F200 doesn't have a led to indicate low battery, you can only know via software. you can use my app to see how much battery there's left but it uses the f200 mechanism (/dev/adcmmsp?) so it isn't very accurate.....on rechargable batteries it will almost always start with 2 bars. 1 bar...
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    New Demo On Gp2X: Pure By Quebarium

    no, lol, not the making-of, i meant the source of the demo. xD but the making-of video was intresting indeed, the ikaruga music was also a nice touch :P
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    New Demo On Gp2X: Pure By Quebarium

    yes, how you did it :P because i, like many other are still at noob++ level, and don't have much experience with 3D stuff, and much less with animations, so looking at stuff like this, could give one a fairly good idea of how to do the code, what libraries to use and how to use them, how to...
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    New Demo On Gp2X: Pure By Quebarium

    very nice indeed, but what about the source code? i looks nice and everything but it's useless to me if i cant read it to see how did you do the effects and what technics did you use.....idk, just saying that aside, very nice demo
  9. D

    GP2X Does Anyone Have The F200 's Gpio Table?

    is there any way to get the gpio table from the memory? i'm not sure about the power led in the F200, because sometimes when mine is runing out ot batery, if you fondle with the power switch, you can make the power led shut off while the console is still workings (not frozen, will last another...
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    GP2X Does Anyone Have The F200 's Gpio Table?

    i just needed the ones for the LCD, and (if it exists) the power led, the others are just to add them to the wiki for completeness. i'm trying to do an app that will turn off the lcd backlight after X seconds have passed without any button being pressed, and blink the led when the battery is...
  11. D

    GP2X Does Anyone Have The F200 's Gpio Table?

    hi there, i'm trying to find the values for the F200, because the ones in the wiki are for the F100 So far i've only been able to get the one for the LCD backlight looking at the GMU source code but all the others are still missing..... does anyone have a list or something, by the way, i'll...
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    Beginner's Advice

    there isn't "lastest" firmware. but the last firmware that GPH developed is 4.1.1 and as a branch for the "best" and newest there is Open2X DR7, a firmware for both F100 and F200, which is the best as os today. but it's in development (very slow) and u lose the usb conector on the side, so...
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    Just Got A Gp2X - Game Files Won't Run

    http://dl.openhandhe...0,0,0,0,42,2751 for the F100 (yours is black isn't it?) download, follow the instructions in the readme, be sure to use fully charged batteries that aren't very worned, or if you have the power adapter, much better. (be carefull with this, as with anything involving...
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    Just Got A Gp2X - Game Files Won't Run

    t also comes with a hardware accelerated version of SDL, so some games will run faster with open2x than with the GPH firmware
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    Put The Gp2X Back On The Front Page

    oh, the internets...... don't you feel like you are in the 90's when you go to a page that is plain simple, no ads, no java, no flash, and click a link and it says 404? i feel so windows 95 xD yeah, i also love my gp2x, even when i regret not having brought a psp (because of the building...
  16. D

    Just Got A Gp2X - Game Files Won't Run

    i never had problems with the cradle on baterries(2000mAh sony cycle energy). maybe those are worned out. and also doesn't wolftein 3D use SDL? u need to download the library if it doesn't come with the package. anyway, i'd recomend u to get a little used to how it works, and the switch to...
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    Just Got A Gp2X - Game Files Won't Run

    what firmware do u have? maybe the game needs some ibrary that doe not come with the GPH firmware. try with picodrive, that should work with any firmware. i still doesn't work i could be that the firmware got corrupted.(hapenned sometimes with firmwares from GPH) but before reflashing the...
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    Put The Gp2X Back On The Front Page

    same here, caanoo wiz pandora and just then, GP2X @ziz didn't know the gp2x had that much activity in other forums, i have the rss feed for the gp2x forum and as per my feed reader it has an average of 3 new topics per month in all its subforums together in the last 3 months. month / new...
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    Put The Gp2X Back On The Front Page

    ern.... but the pandora isn't either.......we all know that the gp2x is dead. it might have some minimal activity (0x10⁻⁹⁹) still, but putting it in the front page isn't changing anything. @ziz: i think he means from the top of the sub forums list