Search results

  1. Fworg64

    Onlive on Pandora

    Way up north here in ND I have a 36mbit connecion right now, some times as high as 48 (i think), and its not top of the line at all really...
  2. Fworg64

    Standard interfaces.

    However, I know for a fact that the pandora button is force quit in Mupen, regardless if your in Xfce or minimenu. Alhough I've never actually hit it by mistake, probably cause select isnt used for anything...
  3. Fworg64

    Where can i find a hotfix 5 rootfs image?

    well hoodoo for me i choose HF5 just for wifi :P , its the one alan made his packet injection patches for, and its workin like a charm, thank you to every one who helped me out here.
  4. Fworg64

    Where can i find a hotfix 5 rootfs image?

    unfourtunatly i believe not :/. That asks for a .tar.bz2 file, which a downloaded from but seems to be hotfix6A4. the hotfix 5 .zip appears to be for a reflash (not what i want, i want 6A4 on my NAND and 5 on my sd). Would i have to do some thing wierd like tar.bz2 the...
  5. Fworg64

    Where can i find a hotfix 5 rootfs image?

    ok may be a silly question, how do i use this to boot from SD? If i understand correctly this is for reflashing, which i dont want to do.
  6. Fworg64

    Getting TiEmu/TilEmu to work with 84+ Calc

    thanks for the update, but now no matter which one i run i get "cannot allocate memory" meaning i need more ram. Or Something. which is odd because all i have running in the back ground is chroimium, ill try without it later but do i need a swap file? edit: still wont run even with nothing...
  7. Fworg64

    Where can i find a hotfix 5 rootfs image?

    thank you for the links, downlading the direct link now... from my pandora... this may be a while :P
  8. Fworg64

    Where can i find a hotfix 5 rootfs image?

    i looked in but cannot seem to find something named "hotfix 5" or the like.
  9. Fworg64

    [SOLVED] problem with the forum?

    Are you using a real browser? or internet explorer?
  10. Fworg64

    Getting TiEmu/TilEmu to work with 84+ Calc

    Im almost certain i dumped my rom correctly, using this - I did it through wine though on my linux machine if that may have effed something up though, also i didnt include a os upgrade, just used "./rom8x.exe 84PBE" for the command...
  11. Fworg64

    Help with setting up Aircrack. (libs and patches)

    following this http://boards.openpa...__fromsearch__1 and this and using this I know i can use aircrack but i ran into a couple problems, 1. Libssl and libcrypto seem to be missing from my pandora (running...
  12. Fworg64

    Happy Birthday to...

    Thanks sony, didnt evan imagine there was a birthday thread :P
  13. Fworg64

    Put Firefox/settings on NAND or SD for best performance?

    Well i think its generally not advised to put pnds on the nand as to not fill it up, and i think the perormance boost would be minimal, to get things to show up on the desktop though put the pnds in "/pandora/desktop" on your sd card. to do this make a folder on your sd card and name it...
  14. Fworg64

    New forum member & a few questions

    Well as far as emulation goes, im happy. I suppose there arent too many options for screen scaling (Snes9x4P does have a couple however, i think visual boy advance? not sure.) but most of them run almost all their games full speed, and if they dont they are constantly getting updates and getting...
  15. Fworg64

    [Solved]How do i SSH into Pandora's Box?

    remote folders in /home/username/.gvfs/... [/SPOILER] Thanks for the speedy reply! Ill enable dropbear settings like you suggested, but will this drain the battery at all? also i tried "sudo opkg install gvsfd-sftp" but is gave me the error "Cannot install package gvsfd-sftp" but thats...
  16. Fworg64

    [Solved]How do i SSH into Pandora's Box?

    I tried just reversing the Mount over SSH tutorial on the wiki as i am running Xubuntu on my desktop, but the command: sshfs fworg64@ /media /media/pandora (tried root as well, no luck) gives me a 'missing host' error. I tried screwing around with puTTY on both machines but i...
  17. Fworg64

    Pandora is temporarily unavailable to purchase

    Perhaps change the title to temporarily unavailable... Or Something, I about defecated my pants when i first read it. Like sony said this is only temporary.
  18. Fworg64


    It seems as though my pandy has also contracted PTOD, not bad as its fine when fully extended. Im pretty good at soddering though, whats the risk level on self replacement and how much do the cables cost?
  19. Fworg64

    Panodra Durability

    Just thought i add that i got mine around May-June this year (2011) through a premium order and my build quality is just fine, no banana, no cracks, no paint scratches. Only thing is the shoulder pads were a bit stiff for the first couple days (solved by pressing them a couple times) and when I...
  20. Fworg64

    OpenPandora Emulator

    well technically couldnt you use a moidfied version of you coulnt run pandora executables but you could bundle your executables into a pnd :P