Put Firefox/settings on NAND or SD for best performance?


Apr 24, 2007
As the title suggests... If its NAND, where would I have to put the PND on the NAND so it shows up on the desktop?
As the title suggests... If its NAND, where would I have to put the PND on the NAND so it shows up on the desktop?
Well i think its generally not advised to put pnds on the nand as to not fill it up, and i think the perormance boost would be minimal, to get things to show up on the desktop though put the pnds in "/pandora/desktop" on your sd card.

to do this make a folder on your sd card and name it "pandora", now make a folder in that folder called "desktop" and/or "apps"

if you want it to show up on the desktop only put it in the desktop folder, if you want it in both the menu and desktop put it in apps, alternatly if you want it only in menu, put it in a folder called "menu"

EDIT:: upon rereading your post i belive theres a folder at the root called pandora, mabe theres a desktop folder in there, cant say ive ever really looked though :p
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It would only matter to startup performance, unless the Firefox binary is so HUEG that it needs to swap in and out constantly.

I guess the location of its webcache could matter a little,but hopefully that's small enough that it doesn't take very long to write.
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As the title suggests... If its NAND, where would I have to put the PND on the NAND so it shows up on the desktop?
The NAND is *not* faster than a normal (and decent) class6 SD card. So just go with having it on the SD card.