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  • Users: zear_
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  1. Z


    Hey there ible. It's a really interesting small project. You're mentioning an intent to run it on GCW Zero. If you need any help with porting it to this platform, let me know :) I am very curious about performance of Bullet on that device.
  2. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    That sounds like a bug in gmenu2x rom browser we had. It is fixed in the latest firmware upgrade.
  3. Z

    Release Black Shades

  4. Z

    Release Black Shades

    Could I ask for the source code to this project?
  5. Z

    selling off some of my collection

    How did you even get a GCW Zero prototype? The units for few lucky winners were sent without the bezels. The ones with bezels should be only in possession of the developers.
  6. Z

    PAX East Newcomers

    Oh I didn't take this picture. It was sent to me by the GCW guys. I wasn't even there. I live across the ocean ;)
  7. Z

    PAX East Newcomers

    If I knew Pandora will be at the same booth as GCW, I'd prepare a Pandora build of UMG :P Here is how the booth looked like:
  8. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    I don't, I use an older toolchain than the one released on
  9. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    I don't have pkg-config in my toolchain, so I can't recompile, but I think this line in ui/sdl.c is the culprit: sdl.c:886:    setenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER", "x11", 0); Otherwise there is no explanation why SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE); crashes.
  10. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    @mcobit opendingux:/boot/local/test/qemu/bin # ./qemu-system-i386 Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting That said, I never dealt with qemu before. Maybe we need to point it to /dev/fb0 or something Or maybe because SDL backend implies 640x480?
  11. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    I'm at your service. You can also catch me (and other GCW devs) at #gcw on
  12. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    Not yet. The QEMU support is not ready. We're having issues with running applications using sound with it at the moment. It should be also noted QEMU does not emulate JZ4770 and the rest of our hardware, but just a generic MIPS machine running our rootfs. While this is perfect for testing the...
  13. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    This is a serious matter. We are already investigating this. Can a moderator remove that link?
  14. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    The device is completely FOSS minus two details: * GPU driver is binary only - we don't have the source code for it and we can't help much here. This driver is responsible only for gpu acceleration (gles), there is a separate driver that handles framebuffer video and that is fully opensource...
  15. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    No news about any of them so far. I couldn't care less about emulation btw, I'm more into games that have the source code I can mess with :)
  16. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    Our devteam had a little eduke32 match today: List of players: * zear (Poland) * pcercuei (Chile) * johnnyonflame (Brazil) * qbertaddict (as Duke) (USA) All participants playing on their GCW Zeros ;)
  17. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    Yes, all-uppercase data files don't work. I had to rename them all manually to all-lowercase. Oh, and sadly opengl support is still missing.
  18. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    It works. Joystick control works as well. Couple of things to address though: * GCW uses an ext filesystem. Make sure the game recognises uppercase and lowercase variants of the datafiles * iirc wolf4sdl had tons of different game data versions you could compile the game with. Make sure...
  19. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    The controls are the same as in A320 OD, which is: http://wiki.dingooni...velopment#Input , with one small exception - in GCW X and Y buttons are swapped. New thing in GCW is the analog stick, which is controlled as a regular SDL joystick interface (joystick 0). G-sensor will be joystick 1...
  20. Z

    GCW Zero - Open Source Gaming Handheld

    Eventually all the Dingoo A320 stuff. But right now I can list the following: Ready: * Sqrxz 3 * Puzzletube * Worship Vector * Dink Smallwood (freedink) * SameGoo * Spout Ported, but still need some polishing: * Duke Nukem 3D (eduke32) * Shadow Warrior (jfshadow) * Quake 1...