Search results

  1. T

    Release Games We'd like to See on Pandora

    1. Burnout 3+ (basically any burnout beyond 3 :) 2. Sonic Adventure 2 (The version that was on DreamCast) 3. Powerstone 1 & 2 4. Mercury Meltdown 5. Soul Calibur 6. Any great action RPG, i'm a fan of RPG but not turn based fighting systems :)
  2. T

    Release Which of the most-likely-not-emulated systems do you want?

    I think it's great that so many want Dreamcast... so do I :) I would interchangeably take PSP though. Both have powerstone, and PSP has burnout. I'm not really holding my breath for either though :/ If nullDC does get ported, I'm going to bet that many titles will not be very playable.
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    My First

    Hey cyberbug, congrats and welcome! I'm a n00b around here too, and I just received word last night that my payment has been received :) I've been watching this since early last year as well... I had been begging my wife to let me pe-order since then and finally it has happened ;) I'm also...
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    I don't think many non-android linux apps would just run... probably most even console apps would have to be recompiled and linked against an android toolchain (my guess). Any X Windows apps would for sure *not* work, even if recompiled because android has it's own windowing system. A few C...
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    First off I want to get a few things out of the way, and to note that I'm merely throwing this out there to hear others thoughts- I have an EE degree, work for a mobile phone software company and I have experience with low level programming and embedded systems. Having said that, I don't have...
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    Software In Production For Openpandora

    Thanks, I saw that it was missing yesterday and decided to respond today... guess that will teach me to re-check my facts :P I would love to see a very stable port of android on Pandora with full hardware support. I'm not sure how challenging that would be to do but it seems possible given...
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    Software In Production For Openpandora

    I don't see a mention of Android anywhere here. It's ported to the beagleboard already, I'm not sure if anyone is working on porting that to Pandora. I may take a stab at it if no one else does.