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  1. P

    Pandora Widgets/sidebar

    I can't see any reason why we couldn't have GDesklets. Although it is known for being a little on the RAM hungry side. Theres also aDesklets, which does a similar thing. However I suspect they *may* rely on the composite extension, so it may be a little more than a straight recompile. Edit...
  2. P

    Pandora A "new" Good Way To Program For The Pandora?

    Why is this better than anything we have already? It's not even free (as in freedom)! Also: "Note: The Cortex-A8 RTSM is not included in the current DS-5 trial version. It will be available during Q2,10." The Pandora is a A8... This seems a little pointless.
  3. P

    The Reality Of Getting Joe Public To Help Out

    You can be pretty sure that the only people who would actually offer to help are those competent enough to do it properly (For fear of breaking someones Pandora if they got it wrong!). If you can dismantle/re mantle a PSP and have it still work afterwards, you're probably OK to build a Pandora.
  4. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    I actually stopped uploading this morning after some connection issues, after seeing your posts I'm going to wait before trying again :P It's currently using the absolute latest version of the toolchain from CodeSourcery, atm I'm trying to fetch and build the various parts of the op GIT repo -...
  5. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    It got that far then the connection timed out :\ Resuming...
  6. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    The current version is being uploaded now. It will take approximately 10 hours to upload.
  7. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    What's included is a VirtualBox appliance image. So you can install VirtualBox on your Mac/Win/Linux machine and load up the appliance. Inside the image, is a base Xubuntu install (With OOo and other unneeded bits removed). Then the needed compilers + toolchains for both x86 compilation and...
  8. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    I've got it down to 1.63GB compressed, lets go! xD Edit: Atiti is going to host (We've been talking on IRC) So I'll start uploading this evening so it'll be ready tomorrow :)
  9. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    Ah yes. Also doesn't help that I forgot to delete downloaded archives xD It's re-exporting now...
  10. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    The image is compressed to start with, so the amount downloaded is still the same. However, it looks like I can strip off 900MB just by taking out unneeded locale data xD
  11. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    I only have a 2Mb/256Kb connection, so I can't really seed a file this big.
  12. P

    Hosting For Pandora Sdk

    This is actually being discussed in But I wanted to bring it to everyones attention. I've finished making a VirtualBox appliance for a Pandora SDK. It contains everything you need to build and compile apps for the...
  13. P

    Vmware Dev Enviroment Image...

    Yes, there is. The SDK image I'm making is a fully-fledged desktop environment using Code::Blocks as the IDE (preconfigured). If you want to alienate new users, the best way to do it is to present them with a command line, so my image is made to be as user friendly as possible, even if the...
  14. P

    Eds Status On The Pandora Os - Disheartening

    I don't care if there are OS issues really, getting the hardware in my hands is the important bit at this point. The OS and software can take time and I suspect will greatly accelerate once the Pandora is in our hands.
  15. P

    Vmware Dev Enviroment Image...

    NEON is definitely supported, I'm not sure about VFP but I'm pretty sure it does. I'm using the latest version of the CodeSourcery toolchain, so its whatever that supports.
  16. P

    Vmware Dev Enviroment Image...

    It's going quite well. I've made a code::blocks project template that can compile for both x86 and ARM just by changing the target. It's using the latest version of the CodeSourcery toolchain and seems to work well. If anyone has a Panda/Beagle and is willing to test some output of it so I can...
  17. P

    Why I Love Blighty And The Nhs.

    Except here, it's extremely unlikely that anyone in the UK could ever become bankrupt due to medical expenses because the NHS won't cover them... Medical Bankruptcy is one of the biggest causes of bankruptcy in the US, and more than half of those people *had* insurance - but the insurer...
  18. P

    Why I Love Blighty And The Nhs.

    NHS = National Health Service. Its the universal tax-funded healthcare system that we have in the UK. Edit: Damn, ninja'd.
  19. P

    Why I Love Blighty And The Nhs.

    A little story: About 7pm this evening, a pain that my other half had had in her right ear for a few days became excruciatingly bad. Neither of us drive, and there where no GPs within a 3 mile radius that where still open. We called up NHS direct to see if there was anything they could...
  20. P

    Vmware Dev Enviroment Image...

    Its 3GB uncompressed, 1GB compressed as 7z (So far, not got everything in yet : also didn't rezero.) Xubuntu is probably better for this than DSL for a number of reasons... - (X)Ubuntu has better community support and is better known, which will help with more inexperienced users using the...