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    Post YOUR Pics

    Thats truely nice to hear :D he looks like the typical ad&d nerd :) nothin bad about that, i'm one myself...
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    Post YOUR Pics

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    Big Respect To The Homebrew Crew :)

    Without the Homebrewn games and progs the gp32 wouldn't have the right flavour. It's just something you dont have anywhere else. Big thanks to you guys and gals :)
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    Gbax2004 Vs Tomak Compo 2004

    true It would be better to split the contest up in (for example) a emu and a games section. And about the copyrights... Who cares? It dosent effect the entries and its just the rules that have been "overtaken".
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    Sonic 3d Blast Works On Fgen Xmas Beta

    pwns= powerowns?
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    Fgen On Gpspain.... Please Read..!

    You mean this? click
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    Mame? Snes? Genny?

    With my Vote everything by 33,33% ah I voted Snes :)
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    Help!!! Cannot Sleep!

    Hehe thanks guys. After this night's 35 minutes of sleep I'll take your advice and try to make the best out of tonight :)
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    How Many Gp32s Has Game Park Sold?

    if thats true then the European release is the best thing that ever happened to gamepark. wonder why they waited so long... blu?
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    Fgen Wip Sonic 2 Video!!!

    I wish that movie had been 50 mb big with better quality... and more than half the movie was over before the game actually started... ohwell, looks kinda good...
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    Help!!! Cannot Sleep!

    Ok, it is 3 o'clock in the morning, I have to get up at 6. Great. I was off school for the last 3 weeks because of easter holidays and yes, I haven't gone to bed before 7 am in that time but I really need to get sleep now. Yesterday I tried going to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning and I lay...
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    Favourite Beers!

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    Gizmondo? Good Or Bad

    Thats what I thought too.
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    What Browser Do You Use?

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    Source Code: The Ultimate Porting Method

    Pinned: Ports Need Sauced Cod! I Mean Source Code Pinned: No Source = No Port Pinned: Ports Require Source Code Pinned: Ports require SOURCE CODE Pinned: BAD = I'll go find source code later... Pinned: Ports require source code! :blink: ;)
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    New Design For My Site. :)

    I really like your new site design. Looks nice and simpel.
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    Cat Schwartz From Techtv

    every p0rn on the web gets found. no matter how good you hide it..
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    I Was Jsut Wondering

    Read an artikle about a gp32 on the site of a german tv show named 'giga' . I was actually looking for a new mp3 player. But what I found was way better :)
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    100th Post! I'm Hardcore!

    looks just like our d0g. wait, let me find a pic :D
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    Impressive Game

    Takes damn bloody to load and runs like shit:) But from what I saw it looks pretty good for that size.