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  1. T

    "f Day" - What Might It Mean...

    'mappiest'! LOL!
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    Flu, Or Risk Getting A Blu+?

    unless you want GPengine... and it's one of the better emus ;)
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    "f Day" - What Might It Mean...

    i reckon it stands for 'Frog Day' when in certain parts of the world it's the froggies' turn to mate... they only do it once a year, and if you compare it to humans, it's basically gang rape... :S nasty fucking frogs, eh?
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    Ps3 - New Supercomputer

    well yeah, but once you set it away...
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    Ps3 - New Supercomputer

    why? if you believe intelligence/sentience originates in the brain, then there's no reason why not, surely? if you believe that there's a 'soul' doing stuff, then it gets kinda metaphysical...
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    Ps3 - New Supercomputer

    like, with a mind of it's own, type of thing; self-aware it can be said that the internet is already a type of 'mind', with those internet fads like the badgers, and 'all your base' being thoughts within that mind, but that interpretation is a 'humans+system='something else' type of thing...
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    Ps3 - New Supercomputer

    I reckon simulation/3d technology will go on for a *long* time yet... sure, true photorealism in static screenshots will probably be here in the next ten years... but then you've got physics, AI, ever-increasing amounts of interactivity.... anyway, what i'm trying to say is: people aren't...
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    Save States

    i'll go along with that :)
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    Ps3 - New Supercomputer

    there's a hell of a long way to go with regard to computing power. didn't bill gates once say 'nobody will ever have any need for more than 64k' or some such twaddle?
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    Ways Not To Have Your Thread Closed

    edit: and don't post stupid things then edit them to say something completely different.
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    Ps3 - New Supercomputer

    that's just what I was thinking... B)
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    Gp32 2 Is Fake

    and your point is?
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    Uk Psp Release Date & Price?

    if sony are truly aiming at a different section of the market, does that mean the DS and PSP can peacefully coexist? i'd guess not. sony want the handhjeld market. they're not just going for over-20's or whatever... it *would* be quite nice... if sony were going for the 'adult' market...
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    Finnaly Got A Psp

    i'm a nintendo fanboy at heart... but the PSP not only looks dams sexy, it has the features to match... battery life seems to be not the problem people thought it might be.... the screen is better.... plus... the PSP is apparentyl gonna have internet play from launch in the USA...
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    I Got My Blu!!!.....+

    anyone who'd bought a gamepark product in the last 2 years... :P
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    Gp32 2 Is Fake

    thanks for letting us know, acura. it is nice for us to enjoy imagining the GP32 2... so we are easily fooled. that person made a good hoax. most of us were fooled. I enjoyed the time anyway, because we all thought about it. 'ha ha' that person. I call him a bastard for fooling us...
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    octavious has come aqcross as a bit of a dick in this thread... AIDS is a bit more complicated than *YOU CHOSE TO GET IT YOU SHAG ANYTHING ON 2 LEGS!!!* nobody *chooses* to contract HIV (the virus that leads to AIDS...) personally I defend the non-pc sense of humour... ah well... *bows...
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    What Fire Fox Extensions Do You Use?

    the only filter i use is 'downloadthemall' it's sortof good for saving images from a single page... in my experience firefox is mostly good, but doesn't have quite the compatibility of IE... and um... yeah... 'downloadthemall' has been used solely for porn so far. it sucks because it...
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    Batteries Not Working At All...

    i go along with evildragon. find someone with a multimeter who knows about electronics... gamepark fucking suck at electronics design... i mean... you plug an adaptor in with the right voltage but wrong polarity and it fucks the lot??? any sensible manufacturer would have put a diode in so...
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    I Want To Play Pool On My Gp32

    GP32 pool would kick ass, considering the resolution....