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  1. sparkymark79

    Output Bluetooth Audio

    dumb question I know but when you say in the home folder, do you mean directly within the home folder, or further down the folder tree within the home folder? as in File System> home >
  2. sparkymark79

    Output Bluetooth Audio

    I didn't get a chance to try :angry: the lady of the house intervened and stopped me playing with my "toy" as she wanted me to watch The Office with her and I can't do two things at once! grrr (I love her really and she is unfortunately right, I am not a dual-core) edit: a copy of said...
  3. sparkymark79

    Output Bluetooth Audio

    wow, thanks for the detailed response, I shall give it a try when I leave work this evening. Many thanks!!
  4. sparkymark79

    Output Bluetooth Audio

    So I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere but I could never find a definitive answer. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want to output bluetooth audio via my Pandora. Has anybody achieved this yet and is there an 'easyish' way to do this. I use ncmpcpp4P as the player which is...
  5. sparkymark79

    Google +

    It's Friday. Beer o Clock!
  6. sparkymark79

    Google +

    surely Gym>Pubbing, not Pubbing>Gym ???!! blurgh
  7. sparkymark79

    Google +

    Hello, I can invite people if you want, send me a PM.
  8. sparkymark79


    I bet seeing audio sync issues in a video must be torture for you being in the business :D
  9. sparkymark79


    Y'know I really think the bird hammered home his case. I for one always take a man with a bird on his shouldder seriously! now, back to Ncmpcpp for some music whilst I get on with my work
  10. sparkymark79

    Release Mupen64Plus new version runs Zelda OOT and much more !!

    all of my roms are in .usa format, which mupen plays when you use the cr*ppy rom browser (can;t remember it's name) by selecting view all files, but Pickle launcher picks up no roms - can we add .usa to the list of supported files? cheers ears
  11. sparkymark79

    Cracked Case

    I have a similar crack at exactly the same place although at the moment it hasn't broken off it just bulges out instead.
  12. sparkymark79

    Feature requests for HF6

    noob friendly bluetooth audio please :D
  13. sparkymark79

    EXT connectors

    Just a quick Q - you mention that it doesn't look that good and the TV-out script will need to improve. Why did it work perfect when EvilDragon was demo-ing TVout? PAL/NTSC tele?
  14. sparkymark79

    Video of top half of case being taken apart?

    Is there one - I would love to see exactly how it is done if somebody is brave enough? If I knew I could take the top half apart without breaking it (albeit it would be a gamble), I'd probably be persuaded to purchase empty cases to mess around with, or when I think the outside has got too...
  15. sparkymark79

    Mame4All suprmaria or suprmrio

    AFAIK, I have the full romset all working happily. I think is there some difference with the Super Mario arcade version - it's not supported but works maybe? (I'm probably wrong on this). If this is the case is there any way to edit a file so that it allows to be viewed within the...
  16. sparkymark79

    Mame4All suprmaria or suprmrio

    Hi, I have suprmrio roms for Mame. Is there any way I can get it so that it shows up in the rom list of Mame4all. I'm sure it can play the rom, as the other 106 version of Mame plays it, but has to be overclocked and doesn't have the nice front end? I neeeeeeeeed Super Mario on Mame, it's...
  17. sparkymark79

    Release ncmpcpp4P

    So - is it possible via the config to set the shoulder buttons to skip to the next or previous track as that would be brilliant. I wouldn't have to have my screen open.
  18. sparkymark79

    Network Drive

    Hi, sorry if this is answered anywhere else, but I couldn't find it by searching. I'd like to be able to see the Pandora as a drive on my pc via wifi, so I can move files back and forth without having to keep taking out my SD card. Is this possible - or something similar? Cheers
  19. sparkymark79

    Release ncmpcpp4P

    that did it, thanks :) This program is exactly what I wanted for listening to music at work
  20. sparkymark79

    Release ncmpcpp4P

    I can't get the path set correct. My music is stored on sd card 2 (MINI_ME) in a root folder called music - what should the path be set to as /MINI_ME/Music doesn't work? I have the PND on the same card, and have also tried /music which also doesn't work :(