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  1. sparkymark79

    Gngeo sending me over the edge...

    pretty please with cherries on top!
  2. sparkymark79

    Finally got my Pandora!

    this happened to me once - but only once. Have you tried unscrewing and removing the back and giving it a try so you can be sure nothing is obscuring the sd card spring mechanism?
  3. sparkymark79

    Battery Drain

    Hello, this is a question for Mweston or somebody else electrically clever :D For months now I have resorted to shutting down the Pandora, opening the battery cover and using a slim piece of post it note to break the circuit to the battery (then replacing the battery and cover). When I...
  4. sparkymark79

    Complete firmware hotfix 4

    Hi, Is there a download available for the complete firmware with hotfix 4 included. The version on the firmware page looks to be from August before Hotfix 4? ta Mark
  5. sparkymark79

    Sales Address Change

    Bah Sorry for being a noob, I can't find who to contact to change my delivery address, does anybody know? It's been that long I've moved house whilst waiting :D Just think this time in about 4 or so weeks we could have our pandoras!