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  1. DRK

    Megaman X3 For Sega Saturn

    Includes Game Cardridge? LOL! U dont know the differenve between a cart and a CD? :lol:
  2. DRK

    Gpweb Version 0.1

    Im german, so i dont know so much fuckin' words. Crap is the best word i know to discribe this. It really makes no sense, the Graphic is bat cuttet out.
  3. DRK

    All Gp32 Games Out Of Stock??

    ...or usually engrish! :D
  4. DRK

    Is Theres A Trick To Save Fsms And Fgen Conf.?

    No, its not possible yet As ryleh already said: I wants to bring some emus until x-mas to final status.
  5. DRK

    Mp3 To Ogg Converting

    I would prefer ogg, i works very fine with 128 kbits. But i own a mp3 Discman, so i have to convert all files to mp3, but i convert never to less then 160 kbit.
  6. DRK

    Wolfenstein 3d

    I put Wolf3d in all the dirs, as specified, but it didnt run. Only Graphic bugs in the menu. I found the VGA files on the Homepage, and now the Game runs with no errors - to the third level. I use the exit, time kill, etc. will be countet, the screen with "get psyched" appears, the loading bar...
  7. DRK

    Gpweb Version 0.1

    This program is crap!
  8. DRK

    Rlyeh Needs Your Feedback!

    I think the most important things are: -config saving -accurate frame limiter - non-random savefile naming These are the things that most disturbing me.
  9. DRK

    Can I Use My Gp32 On A Plane?

    You can use everything, while in flight, expcept RF things(Cell Phone, RF link, Radio). On start/landing you're nnot permitted to use any electrical things.
  10. DRK

    Gp32 As A Joypad?

    MY idea with a second screen was, to play a game on PC, while doing other things on GP, like controlling Media player, watching a download or looking at a chat while playing.
  11. DRK

    Gp32 As A Joypad?

    @Firefly This gave me an Idea: Why dont you try do use the GP as a second Screen for the PC? I think this can be possible, except the USB port is too slow. But i think this can be very good! Keep the good work and Idea FireFly! (APPLAUSE!!!)
  12. DRK


    Hi! Everytime i put new GB roms in the GB dir, all the Savegames (Sram + quicksaves) will dissappear. The files are still there, but the emu creates new. It looks like the CRCss have changed. Can someone help me?
  13. DRK

    SecuMax Encryption/Decryption Tools

    but the Data on a CD you cant delete, but a SMC you can. And if you delete your game and don't have a Backup, then you are Pissed off!
  14. DRK

    SecuMax Encryption/Decryption Tools

    why so angry? i just wanted do know if it works do copy and run encrypted games, emus and other stuff on a real GP. i dont want to pirate GP32 games! I dont own a GP yet, but i hope soon. Pirates aren't good for this little fine Handheld.(But for its Big Enemie Nintendo :D )
  15. DRK

    SecuMax Encryption/Decryption Tools

    I found this tools in the Gp32 site of Firefly. Does a DL of it exist? Umm...or...cabn i copy and run decrypted Games on my GP32 with the original Firmware? (Or usually with another Firmware?) P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
  16. DRK

    Genesis Emu??

    why does no Sega Genesis(Mega Drive) Emulator for GP32 exist?