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  1. Solstar

    Qemu (DOS)doesn't mount ISO

    hope this is the right section of the forum...i'm trying freedos with qemu,and i wanted to mount an iso of a game(a standard,normal everyday iso that works on any pc)but after i load the file on the qemu interface,and press "launch"..nothing happens.the app didn't even start.if i remove the...
  2. Solstar

    need a little help with java on pandora...

    thanks farox it works fine!unfortunately as you said the resolution is too big,so when i go to battle field,i can't scroll down to place my units on the battlefield :(oh well at least i tried..does it also runs those .jad java games that were present on come cell phones years ago?
  3. Solstar

    need a little help with java on pandora...

    maybe it might be because the name of the sd (csltcrk)must be written uppercase?
  4. Solstar

    need a little help with java on pandora...

    already tried and have same issue here's a pic with the error
  5. Solstar

    need a little help with java on pandora...

    i'm a bit of a noob with do i direct the command to the path where the jar is located?is not like good ol' dos with c:\myapp.jar?that's what i think my problem is....i typed that command on the console,and i have this error args are: -jar heroclix open.jar(that's the name of the...
  6. Solstar

    need a little help with java on pandora...

    i wanted to try a game \app that i'm particularly fond of,its an app that allows you to play the heroclix game on pc,(without graphics though)through's the link now,the game is only for pc and mac,though i read that ic ould be possible to make it...
  7. Solstar

    All Gen Gamers Joking about the Pandora

    i always liekd gamester81,i'm a big fan of him..but yeah he's a spoiled brat unfortunately...the sheer number of money he spent on consoles that goes up past the four zero is incredible
  8. Solstar

    Bluetooth doesn't receive files

    thank you very much linux swat,it works now :) @ apersonthinks tried that before and didn't worked,that fix above instead works perfectly
  9. Solstar

    Bluetooth doesn't receive files

    i tried last night the bluetooth function on the pandora and it doesn't want to receive any files.i wanted to transfer a .pnd file(buit tried with any other file from jpeg to .txt)from my galaxy s2 to the pandora.the s2 was already configured and enabled to send and receive files.both devices...
  10. Solstar

    unable to type some characters with the keyboard

    yeah i tried the LEFT SHOULDER BUTTON,that is on the top left...nothing at all....
  11. Solstar

    unable to type some characters with the keyboard

    with dosbox it can be sorted out by typing "keyb it" and thsi way you can use shift + : and it works.the problem is with freedos or other qemu just won't work :(
  12. Solstar

    unable to type some characters with the keyboard

    it doesn't work i already tried..if i press that combination nothing happens
  13. Solstar


    can anyone tell me what's the difference(advantages?)of pandebian over the angstrom?
  14. Solstar

    unable to type some characters with the keyboard

    i just tried dosbox and freedos with qemu and i have problems in both of them.i need to go up one directory by typing d: or e : but i'm unable to do the : character.i tried eberything on the keyboard but nothing.besides,it looks like the layout is set to the US keyboard.what can i do about...
  15. Solstar

    can't install .pnd files

    i asked that because i tried the gingerbread app,which unfortunately corrupts an entire sd card,so i wanted to be sure that i can "sacrifice" that one..unless there's a way to not corrupt anything
  16. Solstar

    can't install .pnd files

    ok i re-flashed and now seems to work ok.can i delete all the files of the zaxxon installation from that sd card now?
  17. Solstar

    can't install .pnd files

    i didn't because i bought it second hand.where i can find it?
  18. Solstar

    can't install .pnd files

    ok wait something magical happened..nw i went to the mini menu and finally there's the asks me for a root permission password though..which is it?
  19. Solstar

    can't install .pnd files

    ok fomratted the card,put the files in there,same issues,dobule click and nothing happens...
  20. Solstar

    can't install .pnd files

    no they don't,i can olny see them through the file manager.anyway i'm doing what ed suggested and formatted the indded might have some issues as its not going to format properly so far.when i amanage do it eventually,do i have to create the folders myself?