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  1. Solstar

    Is there a (working)Mugen for slackware?

    THERE ISN'T ONE ANYWAY,NO MATTER HOW YOU TYPE IT!!jeez give me a break.just downlaod the file and look on the archive before saying something like that!!
  2. Solstar

    Is there a (working)Mugen for slackware?

    there's no readme whatsoever
  3. Solstar

    Is there a (working)Mugen for slackware?

    @mamemaniac thanks that works,though seems like there's no way to add characters for the mugen part..
  4. Solstar

    Is there a (working)Mugen for slackware?

    sorry for my ignorance,i already downladoed that,but how do i ..compile that?i just renamed the archive and used installpkg in ternimal to install it, but i suppose that it was wrong.what do i have to do to compile?
  5. Solstar

    Is there a (working)Mugen for slackware?

    yep i,not to be mean, but..exaclty what does run on this slackware??beside (some)apps?
  6. Solstar

    Is there a (working)Mugen for slackware?

    mugen is a figthing game engine where you can use srptire ripped fron other fighting games.its currentyl available for pc,linux and other my struggle to trun something on damn slackware for pandora(nothing i installed so far ever runs on it)i downloaded the package from...
  7. Solstar

    DraStic Nintendo DS emulator teaser video

    that would be perfect for me as the the only games i really enjoyed on the nds are pure 2d
  8. Solstar

    Why aren't the other Os's avaiable in the repo?

    ubuntu?where's that??
  9. Solstar

    [Application] SOLEIL

    soo its an alternative to zaxxon,i suppose....or i think actually
  10. Solstar

    mame for slackware is not installed even if it should be

    that was my gripe..oh well let's wait and see :)
  11. Solstar

    Slackware won't start\boot

    i suppose its a sd problem,since i just bought an sandisk turbo 16 gb card,and it works flaswlessly there,rebooted like 5 times and still perfectly working,so yeah its a matter of card unfortuantely
  12. Solstar

    mame for slackware is not installed even if it should be

    from here and obviously downloaded the x86 version.according to the terminal,its been installed correctly.according to me its not,because i can't find it anywhere
  13. Solstar

    mame for slackware is not installed even if it should be

    sorry i meant txz files..yeah i know that the pnd version works but they're based off a heinous version of mame with an old romset so i wanted to try the newest mame version on slackware..
  14. Solstar

    mame for slackware is not installed even if it should be

    i downloaded a txc package for mame for slackware.i open up the terminal.type in su-,then the folder of the file and type installpkg nameofthefile.txc.the terminal says that its installed now but i can't find it anywhere,not even with the search function....
  15. Solstar

    Slackware won't start\boot

    yeah its one of the supported's what i discovered:i have two of them has been dedicated only to slackware,the other has all the pandora stuff on it.but!the one sd i used for slackware,was previously used for pandora as well,so i brought all the apps and appdata to this sd to...
  16. Solstar

    Slackware won't start\boot

    you mean the green shaped V?i click it and nothing changes i posted here the out file for the gameboy emulator gambatte as an example,but any other emu i tried just give the same .out file also,i don0t know why when i shut it down,and when i turn it on,it ALWAYS makes a sort of checkdisk...
  17. Solstar

    Slackware won't start\boot

    i reformatted the sd as exfat and now it works...strange..anyway i tried to run a pnd app with the pnd manager but it says that the volume must be mounted first..which is of course..i reaf on the slackware official topic that you mentioned something about mounting sd but i cant find t anywhere
  18. Solstar

    Slackware won't start\boot

    i followed this guide to the letter,downlaoded this fiel as suggested by the guide ,,and when i put the sd into...
  19. Solstar

    Slackware for Pandora 14.0

    sorry for the noobish question but...i can compile any app/game made for windows into linux?also i didn't cheked the topic for a while and now i'm having troubles following it.last time i chcked a 16/32 gb sd was ok for housing slackware(i have yet to do the process)and now iread 64 b sd and...
  20. Solstar

    Port request: mz800em

    very,VERY interested in that direct 3d thing..what could emulate it\them?