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  1. Solstar

    Release PPSSPP, Emulator for PSP

    ami  doing something wrong with this emu..i tried two japanese games,and both times the emu just crash and goes back to the desktop..tried same two games with same emu on windows and an android table,and they run flawlessly there.any help?
  2. Solstar

    Pandora Playstation 2 on Pandora playable with Video over Splashtop

    so it could be possible to play also mame games(those in 3d that will never ever run on pandora)and also dreamcast emulated games?? i agree that it needs a pnd of its own.beside splahstop is also available for linux.a port,maybe?
  3. Solstar

    SuperZaxxon v.54 Final has been released!

    which of those steps i have to follow?
  4. Solstar

    SuperZaxxon v.54 Final has been released!

    is there a tutorial\guide for that?
  5. Solstar

    SuperZaxxon v.54 Final has been released!

    just rebooted..and everything is as before :( also for some strange reason,if i go to service manager and tick the flag "enable wifi on bootup",it will uncheck by itself after i click "ok" and go back to check it again
  6. Solstar

    SuperZaxxon v.54 Final has been released!

    just tried that,and it says "we trust you have received the usual lecture from the local system usually boils down to these three things" i input my password...and nothing happnes..i'm back at the command prompt.tried to enable wifi right after that but no avail ps. i have a...
  7. Solstar

    SuperZaxxon v.54 Final has been released!

    i just downloaded the pnd into my first batch pandora,i followed the guide step by step,installed,and re-installed immediately after,just like the instructions said. i rebooted afterward..and the wifi is not working anymore.any help?
  8. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    ok i tried freedos with qemu, and i tried alien trilogy on both qemu and runs soooooo slow in both of them:( now i know i could get the psx version , who would run faster, but i woul dlike if there's a way to make it run faster...i clocked my pandora at 800
  9. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    @ingoreis:i'll try those now:) as for ems,i still have a bootdisk images that was enabled to load ems,so hopefull there should be no problem :) @mrbazil2k:indeed,that's the game.i managed to make it run,that wasn't the problem.the problem was to make it playable...i mean,framerate-wise.i only...
  10. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    thanks dude,i'll try it out :)hope that setting up dos in qemu is not a pain like setting it in real life on a 486 machine...
  11. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    that would be a nice addition :) EDIT:added my location,you know,just in case...
  12. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    why all these harsh replies?what have i done wrong to you people??!if there was something else i could've done to run the games better,do you think i would be here asking for help??
  13. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    the problem is not its learning curve..i already use the one on pc and i know my way on dynamic,cycles issue is that its still damn unplayable with games such as pursuit of greed,which has a pre-doom engine and yet it struggle to get a decent framerate
  14. Solstar

    Whatever happened to Dosbox for pandora?

    maybe its me but i cannot find any new version fo dosbox for pandora...and the ones i have run not so good..i have a first batch pandora,overclocked to 800-ish,and yet i can run even ds games thanks to drastic but i'm struggling running dos games ??i have the normal dosbox for pandora and the...
  15. Solstar

    Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

    it was even on another topic!
  16. Solstar

    Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

    sorry if i aked again but wasn't exactly easy reading back 23 pages of topic to find that precielse question
  17. Solstar

    Release DraStic Nintendo DS emulator

    Exo can i suggest something(if its not already been sugegsted before)?there are some games like brain training and marvel card battle that required you to actually flip the ds like a there's a rotation option in the emu but it doesn't solve the issue,i have to rotate the pandora to play...
  18. Solstar

    [Applimulator ;)] apkenv + apkenv.ui

    i'm sure an emulator is also out of question right?
  19. Solstar

    [Applimulator ;)] apkenv + apkenv.ui

    i know i will be flamed after this but i'll ask anyway...could be possible to create an app like this which can read .ipa (iphone and ipone touch etc) apps rather than apk?