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    I'll see what I can do about getting a few interviews done. Wandor's looking good by the way, keep it up :D . EDIT: I totally forgot to thank you for the thanks, most of it (99.99%) is for Gruso, he's what keeps PandoraPress alive.
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    We're planning a introduction to development series for the Pandora, so that's covered. But yeah, some interviews would be cool. I'm not sure about posting homebrew. Gruso does his round ups, because I think most people are interested in updates about the Pandora itself and don't want the blog...
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    I wouldn't want money to port it. From what I see, if I can get my hands on a developer cd, port the executable. Then you would only need the data files from the pc version to play.
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    Augmented Reality!

    Considering I want to carry my Pandora around in my jeans, yes a webcam is bulky.
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    Augmented Reality!

    AR is nothing new, I remember reading a article about it almost 10 years ago. It just hasn't caught on, I can see that trend changing as we get more powerful cameras in smaller devices. The technology is simple and cheap, take a 2d video stream, throw it on the background, grab reference...
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    Rules aside, this isn't a half bad idea. I know you can buy the full source code for uplink and that it uses fixed function opengl. I'll look into it. EDIT: It seems that, if ported, introversion would still charge for the software, I think I'll throw them an email and see if they'd be happy...
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    Gruso deserves it, that dude has put so much effort into Pandorapress.
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    Protecting The Pandora Against Theft At Boot Time

    Stop talking crap. Firstly, it's perfectly fine to want the dude who stole your stuff to not be able to use it. He's broken social convention, you're not doing anything morally wrong by denying him use. Revenge is healthy. Secondly, it's a perfectly good deterrent, let's say they put something...
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    Friday The 15Th.

    #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t raw; struct tm *localt; time(&raw); localt = localtime (&raw); localt->tm_mon += 2...
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    RAWWWWWRRR. Good call on the mass production thing commenters, that has been up for a while after I thought about it. Also, you guys are like the flash!
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    Appstore Look

    Am I the only one that finds this hilarious?
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    Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

    While I'm not going to commit to anything technical yet, I will say that I really want persistent multiplayer. I'm not sure what form this will take, but I want every round of human condition played to count towards something. XP, weapons, I don't know. That'll have to be decided later on, but...
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    Pandora Pandora Programming Tools

    I wouldn't call QT a "tool" a tool would be more like an IDE. A tool chain is used to compile software, typically for a operating system or architecture different than the compiling system. What's wrong with just outputting to the console at first? It's a good place to start, you don't have to...
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    is back

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    Pandora Tincs - Multiplayer Shooter For Pandora (video)

    Ergh, this thread is like 6 months old. Why would you bump it up? I kid, I kid. Gruso is pretty correct, I've got tired of waiting for this bloody thing the Pandora and have had more pressing projects and real life stuff to do. That's not to say it's dead. It's very much alive. I'll be making...
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    Tux-On-Ice Vs. Uswsusp

    Corsurgi, my computer boots in about 20 seconds. Yours is taking 2 minutes to start with hybernation? You need an upgrade bad. Either way ARM is built around powersaving and power usage while in S3 will be insignificant.
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    Human Condition - Development Thread

    Good to know there's still support :P. Thanks Voporeal, I was looking into valgrind. But if you can vouch for it, I'll make the move over to Code::Block and Linux/Windows x-compiling sweetness sooner.
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    Best Way To Do Camera Transformations In Opengl ?. EZCamera is written by a friend of mine. I'm using it in Human Condition. If you're using OpenGL ES 1.1, just load the matrix. If you're using ES 2.0, pass the matrix to your shader and use it as the camera matrix. The rest is explained in...